Chinese characters by parts
Sometimes when you are trying to find the meaning of a Chinese character it is not possible to use the traditional method. Instead of listing characters by radical this index lists characters by component part. In many cases the radical is the component to look up but sometimes the radical is hard to recognize or locate within the character . If a character has multiple identifiable components it is listed under each of the component part. Take for example the character 狗 ‘dog’ it has the ‘dog’ radical 犭 ‘quan’ and so it is listed under this component, but it also has elements ‘mouth’ 口 and ‘wrap’ 勹 so it is also listed under these as well. For a beginner the ‘mouth’ is the clearest component to look up by rather than the ‘dog’ radical. Some characters are considered ‘atomic’ - they can not be split into simpler parts and so do not appear in this list, for example 五 ‘5’.
The components are listed in order of their pinyin pronunciation, this makes it easy to use, particularly when you are unsure of the number of strokes used to make the component part. Some ‘components’ are not recognizable from their original form and in other cases we have listed similarly looking parts together as the aim of this page is not a study of the origin of characters but to help people learn the Chinese characters.
If the component is a radical then this is indicated by an ‘R’ followed by the radical index number as used in our character dictionary by radical. NOTE: We are actively expanding and editing this index, please let us know of any errors you may have spotted.
八 bā (eight) R12 分 fēn (divide) 公 gōng (public) 陵 líng (mound) 其 qí (his) 四 sì (four) 六 liù (six) 共 gòng (common) 兴 xīng (prosper) 穴 xué (cave) 戴 dài (to respect) 商 shāng (commerce) 黄 huáng (yellow) 关 guān (shut)
巴 bā (to long for) 吧 bā (supposition or suggestion) 把 bǎ (to hold) 爸 bà (father) 爬 pá (to crawl)
白 bái (bright) R106 怕 pà (to be afraid) 泉 quán (spring) 的 de (of) 百 bǎi (hundred) 皇 huáng (emperor)
包 bāo (to cover) 跑 sì (to run) 抱 bào (to hold) 泡 pào (bubble) 饱 bǎo (to eat till full) 炮 pào (cannon)
勹 bāo (wrap) R20 包 bāo (to cover) 勿 wù (do not) 句 jù (sentence) 狗 gǒu (dog) 勺 sháo (spoon) 曷 hé (why) 葡 pú (grape) 萄 táo (grapes)
北 běi (north) 乘 chéng (to ride)
贝 bèi (shell) R154 贵 guì (precious) 贞 zhēn (chaste) 贫 pín (poor) 贴 tiē (to stick) 赏 shǎng (to hand down) 厕 cè (toilet) 员 yuán (person) 则 zé (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause)
匕 bǐ (spoon) R21 它 tā (it) 花 huā (flower) 化 huà (to make into) 能 néng (to be able to) 死 sǐ (die) 老 lǎo (venerable) 此 cǐ (this) 呢 ne (and you?) 北 běi (north) 华 huá (splendid)
冫 bīng (ice) R15 习 xí (to practice) 凉 liáng (cool) 冷 lěng (cold) 冰 bīng (ice) 次 cì (next in sequence)
卜 bǔ (divination) R25 咎 jiù (fault) 外 wài (outside) 贞 zhēn (chaste) 桌 zhuō (table) 占 zhān (to observe) 处 chù (place)
不 bù (no; not) 还 hái (still) 杯 bēi (cup)
艹 cǎo (grass) R140 花 huā (flower) 茶 chá (tea) 英 yīng (flower) 菜 cài (vegetable) 猫 māo (cat) 草 cǎo (grass) 劳 láo (to toil) 满 mǎn (to fill) 莫 mò (do not) 前 qián (front) 艺 yì (skill) 苦 kǔ (bitter) 懂 dǒng (to understand) 蒸 zhēng (to steam) 苹 píng (apple) 节 jié (joint) 蓝 lán (blue) 药 yào (medicine) 蒙 měng (Mongol) 葡 pú (grape) 苏 sū (revive) 萄 táo (grapes) 藏 zàng (treasury) 若 ruò (to seem)
昌 chāng (prosperous) 唱 chàng (to sing) 倡 chàng (to initiate)
长 cháng (long) R168 张 zhāng ('of')
厂 chǎng (cliff) R27 反 fǎn (contrary) 厉 lì (strict) 原 yuán (former) 岸 àn (bank) 历 lì (to experience) 后 hòu (behind) 盾 dùn (shield) 厕 cè (toilet)
车 chē (vehicle) R159 载 zài (to carry) 辆 liàng (collective word for vehicles) 较 jiào (comparatively) 软 ruǎn (soft) 连 lián (to link)
成 chéng (to succeed) 城 chéng (city)
彳 chì (step) R60 得 dé (get) 很 hěn (very) 德 dé (virtue) 行 xíng (permitted) 征 zhēng (journey) 徽 huī (emblem) 往 wǎng (towards)
虫 chóng (insect) R142 虽 suī (although) 虾 xiā (shrimp) 蛇 shé (snake) 独 dú (alone)
川 chuān (river) R47 顺 shùn (to obey) 州 zhōu (prefecture)
辶 chuò (walking) R162 远 yuǎn (far) 进 jìn (to advance) 运 yùn (to move) 迷 mí (to bewilder) 谜 mí (riddle) 这 zhè (this) 道 dào (road) 还 hái (still) 边 biān (side) 过 guò (past) 近 jìn (near) 辽 liáo (distant) 通 tōng (open) 迎 yíng (welcome) 连 lián (to link) 逢 féng (to meet by chance) 遇 yù (to meet)
此 cǐ (this) 些 xiē (some) 柴 chái (firewood)
寸 cùn (unit of length) R41 得 dé (get) 对 duì (right) 树 shù (tree) 射 shè (to shoot) 封 fēng (to confer) 时 shí (time) 寺 sì (Buddhist temple) 过 guò (past) 将 jiāng (will)
大 dà (big) R37 天 tiān (sky) 太 tài (too) 庆 qìng (celebrate) 夫 fū (husband) 头 tóu (head) 莫 mò (do not) 失 shī (to lose) 美 měi (beautiful) 奇 qí (strange) 央 yāng (center) 夷 yí (barbarians)
旦 dàn (dawn) 但 dàn (but) 担 dān (to undertake) 胆 dǎn (the gall)
刀 dāo (knife) 分 fēn (divide) 初 chū (at first) 所 suǒ (actually) 剪 jiǎn (scissors) 照 zhào (according to)
刂 dāo (knife (radical)) R18 狮 shī (lion) 利 lì (sharp) 前 qián (front) 刚 gāng (hard) 刊 kān (to print) 别 bié (to leave) 到 dào (arrive) 厕 cè (toilet) 超 chāo (to exceed) 剧 jù (drama) 梨 lí (pear) 则 zé (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause)
弟 dì (younger brother) 第 dì (ordinal (1st,2nd))
丁 dīng (nail) 行 xíng (permitted) 于 yú (in) 灯 dēng (lamp) 打 qiú (to beat) 宁 nìng (better)
兑 duì (to cash) 说 shuō (to speak) 税 shuì (taxes)
儿 ér (legs) R10 先 xiān (first) 儿 ér (child) 元 yuán (primary) 光 guāng (light) 克 kè (to be able to) 兔 tù (rabbit) 见 jiàn (see) 兄 xiōng (elder brother) 真 zhēn (really) 免 miǎn (to escape)
耳 ěr (ear) R128 取 qǔ (to take) 闻 wén (to hear) 聪 cōng (quick at hearing)
二 èr (two) R7 元 yuán (primary) 恶 è (evil) 些 xiē (some) 仁 rén (humane) 云 yún (cloud)
反 fǎn (contrary) 饭 fàn (food) 板 bǎn (board) 版 bǎn (a register)
方 fāng (square) R70 族 zú (clan) 房 fáng (house) 访 fǎng (to visit) 纺 fǎng (fine woven silk fabric) 仿 fǎng (to imitate) 防 fáng (to protect) 放 fàng (let go) 旅 lǚ (trip) 施 shī (to grant)
匚 fāng (basket) R22 匪 fěi (bandit) 匹 pǐ (bolt of cloth)
非 fēi (to not be) R175 匪 fěi (bandit) 啡 fēi (coffee)
分 fēn (divide) 份 fèn (portion) 纷 fēn (numerous) 盼 pàn (to hope for) 盆 pén (basin) 贫 pín (poor) 扮 bàn (to act)
父 fù (father) R88 爸 bà (father) 爷 yé (grandpa)
阝 fù ('left ear') R170 际 jì (border) 陵 líng (mound) 险 xiǎn (danger) 隋 suí (Sui) 院 yuàn (courtyard) 啊 á (what?) 阻 zǔ (to hinder) 防 fáng (to protect) 阳 yáng (yang) 阴 yīn (yin)
⻏ fù (place) R163 都 dōu (all) 邻 lín (neighbor) 那 nà (that) 郊 jiāo (suburbs)
干 gàn (do) R51 汗 hàn (perspiration) 肝 gān (liver) 杆 gān (pole) 赶 gǎn (to overtake) 岸 àn (bank) 刊 kān (to print) 年 nián (year)
冈 gāng (ridge) 刚 gāng (hard) 纲 gāng (guiding principle)
高 gāo (tall) R189 搞 gǎo (to do) 稿 gǎo (manuscript)
戈 gē (spear) R62 我 wǒ (I (me)) 成 chéng (to succeed) 或 huò (maybe) 武 wǔ (martial) 载 zài (to carry) 找 zhǎo (to try to find) 戋 jiān (narrow) 战 zhàn (to fight) 戴 dài (to respect) 戊 wù (fifth (ordinal)) 藏 zàng (treasury)
哥 gē (elder brother) 歌 gē (song)
各 gè (each) 路 lù (road) 客 kè (customer)
艮 gèn (stubborn) R138 很 hěn (very) 跟 gēn (heel) 良 liáng (good) 艰 jiān (difficult) 银 yín (silver)
工 gōng (work) R48 左 zuǒ (left) 红 hóng (red) 经 jīng (Classic) 功 gōng (accomplishment) 江 jiāng (river) 空 kòng (to empty)
弓 gōng (bow) R57 弗 fú (not) 弟 dì (younger brother) 张 zhāng ('of') 疆 jiāng (border) 夷 yí (barbarians) 强 qiáng (strong)
廾 gǒng (two hands) R55 算 suàn (calculate) 廿 niàn (twenty) 异 yì (different) 开 kāi (begin)
共 gòng (common) 供 gōng (to provide) 洪 hóng (flood) 港 gǎng (harbor)
古 gǔ (ancient) 故 gù (happening) 克 kè (to be able to) 姑 gū (paternal aunt) 估 gū (estimate) 固 gù (hard) 苦 kǔ (bitter) 湖 hú (lake) 胡 hú (beard) 居 jū (to reside)
谷 gǔ (valley) R150 容 róng (to hold) 欲 yù (to wish for)
故 gù (happening) 做 zuò (to make)
夬 guài (decisive) 块 kuài (piece) 快 kuài (rapid)
官 guān (official) 馆 guǎn (building)
广 guǎng (vast) R53 座 zuò (seat) 庆 qìng (celebrate) 店 diàn (shop) 唐 táng (Tang) 床 chuáng (bed) 度 dù (to pass) 应 yìng (to answer)
圭 guī (jade tablet) 街 jiē (street) 封 fēng (to confer)
丨 gǔn (line) R2 夫 fū (husband) 中 zhōng (centre) 书 shū (book) 未 wèi (not yet) 行 xíng (permitted) 直 zhí (straight) 旧 jiù (old) 铺 pù (store) 攸 yōu (distant)
果 guǒ (fruit) 棵 kē (of plants)
亥 hài (12th earthly branch) 孩 hái (child) 咳 hāi (sound of sighing)
禾 hé (grain) R115 秋 qiú (autumn) 和 hé (together) 香 xiāng (fragrant) 季 jì (season) 利 lì (sharp) 矮 ǎi (low) 稿 gǎo (manuscript) 租 zū (to hire) 税 shuì (taxes) 乘 chéng (to ride)
虍 hū (tiger) R141 虎 hǔ (tiger)
戶 hù (door) R63 所 suǒ (actually)
火 huǒ (fire) R86 秋 qiú (autumn) 灾 zāi (disaster) 炮 pào (cannon) 炸 zhà (to explode) 灯 dēng (lamp) 烤 kǎo (to roast) 灭 miè (to extinguish)
灬 huǒ (fire (as radical)) R86 煮 zhǔ (to cook) 黑 hēi (black) 点 diǎn (spot) 照 zhào (according to) 蒸 zhēng (to steam) 炒 chǎo (to sauté)
吉 jí (lucky) 喜 xǐ (to be fond of) 桔 jú (tangerine) 结 jié (knot)
几 jǐ (how many) R16 凤 fèng (phoenix) 船 chuán (boat) 机 jī (machine)
己 jǐ (self) 纪 jì (order) 记 jì (to record) 起 qǐ (to rise)
彐 jì (snout) R58 当 dāng (to be) 妇 fù (woman) 归 guī (to return)
甲 jiǎ (first in list) 鸭 yā (duck) 果 guǒ (fruit) 单 dān (bill)
戋 jiān (narrow) 钱 qián (money) 浅 qiǎn (shallow)
见 jiàn (see) 现 xiàn (to appear)
交 jiāo (to hand over) 校 xiào (school) 较 jiào (comparatively) 饺 jiǎo (dumpling) 郊 jiāo (suburbs) 效 xiào (effect) 胶 jiāo (to glue) 咬 yǎo (to bite)
㔾 jié (seal (of document)) R26 报 bào (to announce) 迎 yíng (welcome) 服 fú (clothes)
今 jīn (modern) 念 niàn (to read)
斤 jīn (axe) R69 新 xīn (new) 听 tīng (to listen) 近 jìn (near)
巾 jīn (scarf) R50 狮 shī (lion) 常 cháng (always) 市 shì (market) 帽 mào (hat)
钅 jīn (metal) R167 钱 qián (money) 钟 zhōng (clock) 钻 zuān (to drill) 铺 pù (store) 铁 tiě (arms) 银 yín (silver) 锅 guō (pot) 锡 xī (to bestow)
京 jīng (capital) 惊 jīng (to start) 景 jǐng (bright) 就 jiù (at once) 凉 liáng (cool) 影 yǐng (picture)
井 jǐng (well) 进 jìn (to advance)
冂 jiōng (covering box) R13 丽 lì (beautiful) 尚 shàng (still) 周 zhōu (circuit) 冈 gāng (ridge) 见 jiàn (see) 两 liǎng (pair) 内 nèi (inner) 南 nán (south) 网 wǎng (net) 商 shāng (commerce) 再 zài (again) 同 tóng (same) 雨 yǔ (rain)
句 jù (sentence) 够 gòu (to reach)
亅 jué ('vertical hook') R6 事 shì (matter)
凵 kǎn (open box) R17 出 chū (go out) 画 huà (to draw) 凶 xiōng (vicious)
可 kě (can) 何 hé (what) 啊 á (what?) 奇 qí (strange) 哥 gē (elder brother) 河 hé (river)
口 kǒu (mouth) R30 右 yòu (right) 和 hé (together) 问 wèn (ask) 叫 jiào (called) 语 yǔ (language) 史 shǐ (history) 京 jīng (capital) 只 zhī (one) 吃 chī (to eat) 福 fú (good fortune) 富 fù (rich) 古 gǔ (ancient) 亨 hēng (prosperous) 或 huò (maybe) 咎 jiù (fault) 君 jūn (monarch) 可 kě (can) 命 mìng (life) 如 rú (as) 尚 shàng (still) 事 shì (matter) 虽 suī (although) 台 tái (typhoon) 喜 xǐ (to be fond of) 知 zhī (to know) 周 zhōu (circuit) 足 zú (foot) 号 hào (name) 宫 gōng (palace) 句 jù (sentence) 吗 mǎ (?) 曰 yuē (to speak) 狗 gǒu (dog) 合 hé (to close) 吉 jí (lucky) 另 lìng (other) 吧 bā (supposition or suggestion) 兄 xiōng (elder brother) 咳 hāi (sound of sighing) 名 míng (name) 告 gào (to tell) 占 zhān (to observe) 后 hòu (behind) 唐 táng (Tang) 各 gè (each) 唱 chàng (to sing) 听 tīng (to listen) 喝 hē (drink) 咬 yǎo (to bite) 呢 ne (and you?) 船 chuán (boat) 回 huí (to circle) 局 jú (office) 品 pǐn (article) 超 chāo (to exceed) 员 yuán (person) 啡 fēi (coffee) 咖 kā (coffee) 啤 pí (hops) 同 tóng (same) 鸣 míng (to call (birds))
快 kuài (rapid) 筷 kuài (chopsticks)
耂 lǎo (old) R125 暑 shǔ (heat) 者 zhě (in process of) 老 lǎo (venerable) 孝 xiào (filial piety or obedience)
里 lǐ (inside) R166 童 tóng (boy servant) 理 lǐ (texture)
力 lì (strength) R19 男 nán (male) 动 dòng (to use) 功 gōng (accomplishment) 劳 láo (to toil) 另 lìng (other) 历 lì (to experience) 为 wèi (do) 边 biān (side) 咖 kā (coffee) 苏 sū (revive) 务 wù (affair) 穷 qióng (exhausted)
立 lì (stand) R117 童 tóng (boy servant) 位 wèi (position) 亲 qīn (parent) 站 zhàn (station) 音 yīn (sound) 拉 lā (to pull)
两 liǎng (pair) 满 mǎn (to fill) 俩 bǐng (both) 辆 liàng (collective word for vehicles)
另 lìng (other) 别 bié (to leave)
令 lìng (to order) 邻 lín (neighbor) 零 líng (zero) 领 lǐng (neck) 龄 líng (age) 怜 lián (to pity) 冷 lěng (cold)
马 mǎ (horse) R187 妈 mā (mother) 吗 mǎ (?) 驻 zhù (to halt)
毛 máo (hair) R82 笔 bǐ (pen) 尾 wěi (tail)
矛 máo (spear) R110 柔 róu (soft)
每 měi (each) 悔 huǐ (to regret)
门 mén (entrance) R169 们 mén (s) 问 wèn (ask) 闰 rùn (leap) 闻 wén (to hear) 闲 xián (to stay idle) 间 jiàn (gap) 间 jiān (between)
米 mǐ (rice) R119 精 jīng (refined) 迷 mí (to bewilder) 谜 mí (riddle) 粘 zhān (to glue) 糖 táng (sugar) 楼 lóu (multi-story building)
冖 mì (cover) R14 写 xiě (write) 劳 láo (to toil) 爱 ài (love) 免 miǎn (to escape) 蒙 měng (Mongol) 每 měi (each) 农 nóng (to farm)
宀 mián (roof) R40 安 ān (peace) 它 tā (it) 宝 bǎo (jewel) 富 fù (rich) 寒 hán (cold) 实 shí (real) 灾 zāi (disaster) 字 zì (letter) 宫 gōng (palace) 宋 song (Song) 院 yuàn (courtyard) 宜 yí (proper) 客 kè (customer) 穴 xué (cave) 容 róng (to hold) 家 jiā (house) 官 guān (official) 定 dìng (to set) 室 shì (room) 宁 nìng (better)
免 miǎn (to escape) 晚 wǎn (evening)
皿 mǐn (dish) R108 盆 pén (basin) 蓝 lán (blue) 孟 mèng (first month of a season)
木 mù (wood) R75 茶 chá (tea) 来 lái (arrive) 菜 cài (vegetable) 棋 qí (board game) 本 běn (root) 彩 cǎi (color) 树 shù (tree) 未 wèi (not yet) 相 xiāng (each other) 宋 song (Song) 桌 zhuō (table) 椅 yǐ (chair) 杆 gān (pole) 桔 jú (tangerine) 闲 xián (to stay idle) 亲 qīn (parent) 李 lǐ (plum) 枝 zhī (branch) 植 zhí (to plant) 板 bǎn (board) 楼 lóu (multi-story building) 校 xiào (school) 机 jī (machine) 林 lín (forest) 杯 bēi (cup) 床 chuáng (bed) 术 shù (method) 禁 jìn (to prohibit) 果 guǒ (fruit) 棵 kē (of plants) 条 tiáo (strip) 梨 lí (pear) 秦 qín (Qin) 柔 róu (soft) 杀 shā (to kill) 柴 chái (firewood)
目 mù (eye) R109 看 kàn (look) 算 suàn (calculate) 德 dé (virtue) 相 xiāng (each other) 盼 pàn (to hope for) 睛 jīng (eye) 盾 dùn (shield) 直 zhí (straight) 冒 mào (to emit) 面 miàn (face) 自 zì (from)
疒 nè (sick) R104 疼 téng (sore)
你 nǐ (you) 您 nín (you (polite))
廿 niàn (twenty) 度 dù (to pass)
鸟 niǎo (bird) R196 岛 dǎo (island) 鸡 jī (fowl) 乌 wū (crow) 鸭 yā (duck) 鸣 míng (to call (birds))
女 nǚ (female) R38 好 hǎo (good) 安 ān (peace) 她 tā (she) 姐 jiě (elder sister) 妇 fù (woman) 妹 mèi (younger sister) 如 rú (as) 始 shǐ (to begin) 妈 mā (mother) 奶 nǎi (milk) 矮 ǎi (low) 要 yào (want) 姑 gū (paternal aunt) 姓 xìng (surname) 楼 lóu (multi-story building) 婚 hūn (to marry) 妄 wàng (absurd)
皮 pí (leather) R107 波 bō (wave)
片 piàn (thin piece) R91 版 bǎn (a register)
丿 piě ('slash') R4 少 shǎo (less) 乎 hū (at) 乃 nǎi (to be) 失 shī (to lose) 勿 wù (do not) 义 yì (justice) 乐 lè (music) 之 zhī (him) 族 zú (clan) 久 jiǔ (long time) 九 jiǔ (nine) 么 me (what) 弟 dì (younger brother) 戊 wù (fifth (ordinal)) 年 nián (year) 午 wǔ (noon) 生 shēng (produce) 必 bì (certainly)
其 qí (his) 棋 qí (board game) 期 qī (phase)
前 qián (front) 剪 jiǎn (scissors) 箭 jiàn (arrow)
欠 qiàn (yawn) R76 饮 yǐn (to drink) 欢 huān (merry) 歌 gē (song) 软 ruǎn (soft) 次 cì (next in sequence) 欲 yù (to wish for)
且 qiě (and) 姐 jiě (elder sister) 祖 zǔ (grandfather) 租 zū (to hire) 组 zǔ (to form) 阻 zǔ (to hinder) 宜 yí (proper)
青 qīng (green) R174 情 qíng (affection) 精 jīng (refined) 请 qǐng (please) 清 qīng (clear) 晴 qíng (clear sky) 睛 jīng (eye)
泉 quán (spring) 原 yuán (former)
犭 quǎn (dog) R94 狮 shī (lion) 猫 māo (cat) 狗 gǒu (dog) 猪 zhū (hog) 独 dú (alone)
人 rén (person) R9 座 zuò (seat) 茶 chá (tea) 今 jīn (modern) 坐 zuò (sit) 从 cóng (from) 以 yǐ (to use) 众 zhòng (many) 久 jiǔ (long time) 令 lìng (to order) 食 shí (eat) 舍 shè (residence) 会 huì (can) 曷 hé (why)
亻 rén (Person (radical)) R9 他 tā (he) 花 huā (flower) 们 mén (s) 何 hé (what) 化 huà (to make into) 位 wèi (position) 夜 yè (night) 传 zhuàn (biography) 作 zuò (to do) 代 dài (replace) 亿 yì (100,000,000) 你 nǐ (you) 住 zhù (to live) 份 fèn (portion) 什 shén (what) 估 gū (estimate) 供 gōng (to provide) 值 zhí (value) 俩 bǐng (both) 仁 rén (humane) 倡 chàng (to initiate) 仿 fǎng (to imitate) 倒 dào (fall) 但 dàn (but) 候 hòu (wait) 两 liǎng (pair) 华 huá (splendid) 健 jiàn (healthy) 攸 yōu (distant) 做 zuò (to make) 侯 hóu (nobleman) 仙 xiān (immortal) 信 xìn (letter)
日 rì (sun) R72 明 míng (bright) 是 shì (is) 香 xiāng (fragrant) 春 chūn (spring) 昌 chāng (prosperous) 莫 mò (do not) 暑 shǔ (heat) 者 zhě (in process of) 桌 zhuō (table) 晴 qíng (clear sky) 间 jiàn (gap) 白 bái (bright) 景 jǐng (bright) 曾 céng (once) 音 yīn (sound) 旧 jiù (old) 最 zuì (most) 易 yì (easy) 昨 zuó (previous) 旦 dàn (dawn) 早 zǎo (early) 晚 wǎn (evening) 时 shí (time) 星 xīng (star) 婚 hūn (to marry) 照 zhào (according to) 间 jiān (between) 影 yǐng (picture) 普 pǔ (general) 阳 yáng (yang)
入 rù (to enter) R11 全 quán (all) 内 nèi (inner)
山 shān (mountain) R46 岛 dǎo (island) 岁 suì (year) 岸 àn (bank) 徽 huī (emblem) 仙 xiān (immortal)
彡 shān (bristle) R59 彩 cǎi (color) 影 yǐng (picture)
尚 shàng (still) 躺 tǎng (to recline) 趟 tàng (collective for trips) 掌 zhǎng (palm of the hand) 赏 shǎng (to hand down)
少 shǎo (less) 炒 chǎo (to sauté)
舌 shé (tongue) R135 话 huà (speech) 舍 shè (residence) 活 huó (to live) 乱 luàn (in confusion or disorder)
射 shè (to shoot) 谢 xiè (thanks)
身 shēn (body) R158 射 shè (to shoot) 躺 tǎng (to recline)
申 shēn (to extend) 神 shén (god)
生 shēng (produce) R100 姓 xìng (surname) 星 xīng (star) 胜 shèng (victory)
尸 shī (corpse) R44 屋 wū (house) 呢 ne (and you?) 局 jú (office) 居 jū (to reside) 尾 wěi (tail)
十 shí (ten) R24 半 bàn (half) 德 dé (virtue) 古 gǔ (ancient) 载 zài (to carry) 卖 mài (sell) 什 shén (what) 支 zhī (to support) 盾 dùn (shield) 直 zhí (straight) 早 zǎo (early) 午 wǔ (noon) 南 nán (south) 华 huá (splendid) 啤 pí (hops)
石 shí (rock) R112 硬 yìng (hard) 碗 wān (bowl) 若 ruò (to seem)
饣 shí (food) R184 饮 yǐn (to drink) 饱 bǎo (to eat till full) 饭 fàn (food) 饺 jiǎo (dumpling) 馆 guǎn (building)
矢 shǐ (arrow) R111 医 yī (doctor) 知 zhī (to know) 族 zú (clan) 矮 ǎi (low) 候 hòu (wait) 铁 tiě (arms) 侯 hóu (nobleman)
豕 shǐ (pig) R152 家 jiā (house) 蒙 měng (Mongol)
礻 shì (spirit) R113 福 fú (good fortune) 礼 lǐ (ceremony) 祖 zǔ (grandfather) 神 shén (god)
士 shì (bachelor) 吉 jí (lucky) 志 zhì (aspiration) 壮 zhuàng (to strengthen) 声 shēng (sound)
氏 shì (clan name) R83 纸 zhǐ (paper) 婚 hūn (to marry)
示 shì (to show) R113 际 jì (border) 票 piào (ticket) 禁 jìn (to prohibit)
手 shǒu (hand) 看 kàn (look) 左 zuǒ (left) 右 yòu (right) 掌 zhǎng (palm of the hand)
扌 shǒu (hand) R64 我 wǒ (I (me)) 找 zhǎo (to try to find) 搞 gǎo (to do) 报 bào (to announce) 扮 bàn (to act) 抱 bào (to hold) 把 bǎ (to hold) 技 jì (skill) 担 dān (to undertake) 打 qiú (to beat) 拉 lā (to pull) 推 tuī (to push) 抬 tái (to lift)
殳 shū (spear) R79 没 méi (have not) 段 duàn (paragraph)
水 shuǐ (water) R85 永 yǒng (perpetual) 泉 quán (spring) 冰 bīng (ice) 求 qiú (to seek)
氵 shuǐ (water) R85 酒 jiǔ (wine) 海 hǎi (sea) 法 fǎ (law) 满 mǎn (to fill) 泽 zé (pool) 治 zhì (to rule) 浅 qiǎn (shallow) 汗 hàn (perspiration) 没 méi (have not) 清 qīng (clear) 泡 pào (bubble) 洪 hóng (flood) 汽 qì (steam) 江 jiāng (river) 河 hé (river) 湖 hú (lake) 港 gǎng (harbor) 洗 xǐ (to wash) 汉 hàn (chinese) 演 yǎn (to develop) 津 jīn (ferry crossing) 渔 yú (fishing) 洲 zhōu (region) 济 jì (to cross a river) 波 bō (wave) 活 huó (to live) 涉 shè (to wade)
厶 sī (private) R28 去 qù (go) 公 gōng (public) 能 néng (to be able to) 台 tái (typhoon) 至 zhì (to arrive) 么 me (what) 云 yún (cloud) 雄 xióng (male)
纟 sī (silk) R120 红 hóng (red) 给 gěi (give) 纸 zhǐ (paper) 经 jīng (Classic) 维 wéi (to preserve) 累 lèi (tired) 纲 gāng (guiding principle) 纷 fēn (numerous) 组 zǔ (to form) 绪 xù (beginnings) 结 jié (knot) 纪 jì (order) 纺 fǎng (fine woven silk fabric) 绿 lǜ (green) 终 zhōng (end)
巳 sì (snake) R49 包 bāo (to cover) 异 yì (different) 港 gǎng (harbor)
寺 sì (Buddhist temple) 诗 shī (poem)
攵 suī (rap) R66 故 gù (happening) 教 jiào (religion) 致 zhì (to send) 教 jiāo (to teach) 放 fàng (let go) 效 xiào (effect) 徽 huī (emblem) 攸 yōu (distant) 散 sàn (to scatter)
台 tái (typhoon) 始 shǐ (to begin) 治 zhì (to rule) 抬 tái (to lift)
天 tiān (sky) 笑 xiào (smile) 袄 ǎo (jacket) 关 guān (shut)
田 tián (field) R102 男 nán (male) 雷 léi (thunder) 猫 māo (cat) 里 lǐ (inside) 亩 mǔ (area) 福 fú (good fortune) 富 fù (rich) 甲 jiǎ (first in list) 申 shēn (to extend) 累 lèi (tired) 画 huà (to draw) 思 sī (to think) 戴 dài (to respect) 黄 huáng (yellow) 电 diàn (electric) 疆 jiāng (border) 畜 chù (livestock) 由 yóu (to follow)
头 tóu (head) 实 shí (real) 卖 mài (sell) 买 mǎi (buy)
亠 tóu (head) R8 亩 mǔ (area) 京 jīng (capital) 亨 hēng (prosperous) 市 shì (market) 夜 yè (night) 亦 yì (also) 亡 wáng (to die) 六 liù (six) 商 shāng (commerce)
土 tǔ (earth) R32 座 zuò (seat) 去 qù (go) 里 lǐ (inside) 坐 zuò (sit) 城 chéng (city) 地 dì (earth) 陵 líng (mound) 圣 shèng (holy) 至 zhì (to arrive) 周 zhōu (circuit) 黑 hēi (black) 块 kuài (piece) 在 zài (exist) 圭 guī (jade tablet) 走 zǒu (walk) 寺 sì (Buddhist temple) 疆 jiāng (border) 场 cháng (threshing floor) 丧 sàng (to lose)
瓦 wǎ (tile) R98 瓷 cí (porcelain) 瓶 píng (bottle)
万 wàn (ten thousand) 厉 lì (strict)
尢 wāng (lame) R43 尤 yóu (outstanding)
亡 wáng (to die) 忙 máng (busy) 忘 wàng (to forget)
王 wǎng (monarch) 玉 yù (jade) 皇 huáng (emperor) 往 wǎng (towards)
罒 wǎng (net) R122 署 shǔ (office) 置 zhì (to install) 罗 luó (gauze)
囗 wéi (proud) R31 国 guó (country) 中 zhōng (centre) 园 yuán (park) 四 sì (four) 固 gù (hard) 回 huí (to circle) 面 miàn (face)
未 wèi (not yet) 妹 mèi (younger sister)
文 wén (script) R67 这 zhè (this)
无 wú (not to have) R71 既 jì (already)
勿 wù (do not) 易 yì (easy) 物 wù (thing)
西 xī (west) R146 要 yào (want) 票 piào (ticket)
夕 xī (sunset) R36 外 wài (outside) 夜 yè (night) 岁 suì (year) 名 míng (name) 多 duō (many) 将 jiāng (will) 罗 luó (gauze)
匸 xǐ (box; bag) R23 医 yī (doctor)
相 xiāng (each other) 想 xiǎng (to think)
小 xiǎo (small) R42 少 shǎo (less) 京 jīng (capital) 当 dāng (to be) 尚 shàng (still) 孙 sūn (grandson)
孝 xiào (filial piety or obedience) 教 jiào (religion) 教 jiāo (to teach)
心 xīn (heart) R61 德 dé (virtue) 恶 è (evil) 您 nín (you (polite)) 想 xiǎng (to think) 愿 yuàn (to hope) 意 yì (idea) 思 sī (to think) 聪 cōng (quick at hearing) 念 niàn (to read) 怎 dìng (how) 志 zhì (aspiration) 必 bì (certainly) 忘 wàng (to forget)
辛 xīn (hard) R160 辣 là (spicy)
忄 xīn (heart) R61 情 qíng (affection) 惊 jīng (to start) 怕 pà (to be afraid) 忆 yì (to recollect) 忙 máng (busy) 懂 dǒng (to understand) 怜 lián (to pity) 快 kuài (rapid) 悔 huǐ (to regret)
行 xíng (permitted) R144 街 jiē (street)
兄 xiōng (elder brother) 兑 duì (to cash)
穴 xué (cave) R116 窄 xué (narrow) 穷 qióng (exhausted) 空 kòng (to empty)
讠 yán (words) R149 话 huà (speech) 语 yǔ (language) 诞 dàn (birth) 说 shuō (to speak) 谁 shéi (who) 谜 mí (riddle) 谢 xiè (thanks) 请 qǐng (please) 记 jì (to record) 诉 sù (to complain) 访 fǎng (to visit) 诗 shī (poem)
央 yāng (center) 英 yīng (flower)
羊 yáng (sheep) R123 群 qún (group) 鲜 xiān (fresh) 美 měi (beautiful)
也 yě (also) 他 tā (he) 她 tā (she) 地 dì (earth) 施 shī (to grant)
页 yè (page) R181 顺 shùn (to obey) 领 lǐng (neck) 颜 yán (face)
一 yī (one) R1 丙 bǐng (third in order) 丑 chǒu (shameful) 德 dé (virtue) 或 huò (maybe) 丽 lì (beautiful) 且 qiě (and) 世 shì (life) 与 yǔ (to give) 正 zhèng (correct) 不 bù (no; not) 画 huà (to draw) 旦 dàn (dawn) 百 bǎi (hundred) 两 liǎng (pair) 再 zài (again) 开 kāi (begin) 疆 jiāng (border) 蒙 měng (Mongol) 灭 miè (to extinguish)
衤 yī (clothes) R145 初 chū (at first) 袄 ǎo (jacket) 农 nóng (to farm)
乚 yǐ (hidden) R5 孔 kǒng (great) 吃 chī (to eat) 习 xí (to practice) 以 yǐ (to use) 亿 yì (100,000,000) 礼 lǐ (ceremony) 卖 mài (sell) 艺 yì (skill) 忆 yì (to recollect) 也 yě (also) 买 mǎi (buy) 九 jiǔ (nine) 令 lìng (to order) 曷 hé (why) 乱 luàn (in confusion or disorder)
弋 yì (catch) R56 代 dài (replace)
音 yīn (sound) R180 意 yì (idea)
廴 yǐn ('long stride') R54 建 jiàn (to establish) 健 jiàn (healthy)
用 yòng (to use) R101 铺 pù (store) 葡 pú (grape) 通 tōng (open)
尤 yóu (outstanding) 就 jiù (at once)
酉 yǒu (wine vessel) R164 酒 jiǔ (wine)
又 yòu (also) R29 对 duì (right) 发 fà (to send out) 反 fǎn (contrary) 及 jí (and) 鸡 jī (fowl) 难 nán (difficult) 取 qǔ (to take) 圣 shèng (holy) 树 shù (tree) 泽 zé (pool) 报 bào (to announce) 欢 huān (merry) 友 yǒu (friend) 支 zhī (to support) 受 shòu (to receive) 艰 jiān (difficult) 度 dù (to pass) 汉 hàn (chinese) 双 shuāng (pair) 服 fú (clothes)
鱼 yú (fish) R195 鲜 xiān (fresh) 渔 yú (fishing)
雨 yǔ (rain) R173 雪 xuě (snow) 雷 léi (thunder) 零 líng (zero) 露 lù (dew)
玉 yù (jade) 国 guó (country) 宝 bǎo (jewel)
王 yù (jade) R96 全 quán (all) 主 zhǔ (owner) 闰 rùn (leap) 住 zhù (to live) 玩 wán (toy) 理 lǐ (texture) 现 xiàn (to appear) 球 qiú (ball)
元 yuán (primary) 远 yuǎn (far) 院 yuàn (courtyard) 园 yuán (park) 玩 wán (toy)
原 yuán (former) 愿 yuàn (to hope)
曰 yuē (to speak) R73 更 gèng (more) 曷 hé (why)
月 yuè (moon) R74 明 míng (bright) 有 yǒu (have) 能 néng (to be able to) 前 qián (front) 隋 suí (Sui) 肝 gān (liver) 青 qīng (green) 朋 péng (friend) 胶 jiāo (to glue) 胆 dǎn (the gall) 期 qī (phase) 湖 hú (lake) 阴 yīn (yin) 朝 zhāo (dynasty) 服 fú (clothes) 胡 hú (beard) 胜 shèng (victory) 散 sàn (to scatter)
云 yún (cloud) 动 dòng (to use) 运 yùn (to move) 会 huì (can)
乍 zhà (at first) 作 zuò (to do) 炸 zhà (to explode) 窄 xué (narrow) 怎 dìng (how) 昨 zuó (previous)
占 zhān (to observe) 站 zhàn (station) 粘 zhān (to glue) 战 zhàn (to fight) 店 diàn (shop) 钻 zuān (to drill) 贴 tiē (to stick) 点 diǎn (spot)
者 zhě (in process of) 都 dōu (all) 猪 zhū (hog) 煮 zhǔ (to cook) 绪 xù (beginnings) 署 shǔ (office)
正 zhèng (correct) 是 shì (is) 征 zhēng (journey)
支 zhī (to support) 枝 zhī (branch) 技 jì (skill)
直 zhí (straight) 真 zhēn (really) 值 zhí (value) 植 zhí (to plant) 置 zhì (to install)
止 zhǐ (to stop) R77 步 bù (a step) 武 wǔ (martial) 正 zhèng (correct) 足 zú (foot) 此 cǐ (this) 齿 chǐ (tooth) 定 dìng (to set) 走 zǒu (walk)
夂 zhǐ (walk slowly) R34 咎 jiù (fault) 陵 líng (mound) 各 gè (each) 处 chù (place) 条 tiáo (strip) 夏 xià (summer) 务 wù (affair)
至 zhì (to arrive) R133 致 zhì (to send) 屋 wū (house) 到 dào (arrive) 室 shì (room)
中 zhōng (centre) 钟 zhōng (clock)
重 zhòng (heavy) 懂 dǒng (to understand)
洲 zhōu (region) 洲 zhōu (region)
舟 zhōu (boat) R137 船 chuán (boat)
⺮ zhú (bamboo) R118 笔 bǐ (pen) 算 suàn (calculate) 笑 xiào (smile) 箭 jiàn (arrow) 第 dì (ordinal (1st,2nd)) 筷 kuài (chopsticks)
丶 zhǔ (dot) R3 太 tài (too) 玉 yù (jade) 半 bàn (half) 丽 lì (beautiful) 乌 wū (crow) 义 yì (justice) 州 zhōu (prefecture) 主 zhǔ (owner) 住 zhù (to live) 弟 dì (younger brother) 白 bái (bright) 勺 sháo (spoon) 兑 duì (to cash) 令 lìng (to order) 尤 yóu (outstanding) 良 liáng (good) 铺 pù (store) 为 wèi (do) 术 shù (method) 冰 bīng (ice) 自 zì (from) 苏 sū (revive) 往 wǎng (towards)
爫 zhuǎ (claw) R87 爱 ài (love) 受 shòu (to receive) 孚 fú (to trust)
隹 zhuī (short-tailed bird) R172 难 nán (difficult) 维 wéi (to preserve) 谁 shéi (who) 推 tuī (to push) 雄 xióng (male)
子 zǐ (child) R39 好 hǎo (good) 学 xué (study) 孔 kǒng (great) 亨 hēng (prosperous) 季 jì (season) 孙 sūn (grandson) 字 zì (letter) 李 lǐ (plum) 孩 hái (child) 孝 xiào (filial piety or obedience) 存 biān (to exist) 孚 fú (to trust) 孟 mèng (first month of a season)
自 zì (from) R132 首 shǒu (head) 夏 xià (summer)
走 zǒu (walk) R156 赶 gǎn (to overtake) 趟 tàng (collective for trips) 起 qǐ (to rise) 超 chāo (to exceed)
足 zú (foot) R157 路 lù (road) 跟 gēn (heel) 跑 sì (to run)