己 jǐ self; oneself; sixth in order
Used as component 己 in :纪 jì ; 记 jì ; 起 qǐ
Similar looking characters : 巳 sì (snake) 已 yǐ (already)
Made with 3 strokes.
The sixth heavenly stem - used in counting, referring to self
Sounds same
几 jǐ (how many)Different tone
鸡 jī (fowl) ; 机 jī (machine) ; 吉 jí (lucky) ; 及 jí (and) ; 际 jì (border) ; 既 jì (already) ; 季 jì (season) ; 彐 jì (snout) ; 纪 jì (order) ; 记 jì (to record) ; 技 jì (skill) ; 济 jì (to cross a river)This character is also represented as a radical in the form: 巳 sì

Stroke order for character 己, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己 là zhú zhào liàng bié rén, què huǐ miè le zì jǐ Helping others at the cost of not looking after yourself推己及人 tuī jǐ jí rén To understand a situation from someone else's perspective.