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Online Chinese Dictionary Have a word or character to look-up? Use our free and extensive online dictionary . Read more…
War between Britain and China The import of opium from India had a devastating effect on China. Although opium had been grown and used in China for centuries the import of huge quantities of the British controlled trade into Guangdong proved far more addictive. The two 'Opium Wars' between Britain, France and China 1839-1860 mark China's forced change in direction after thousands of year of dynastic rule. Defeat by a far away foreign power created turmoil in China and triggered the 'century of humiliation' from which China only emerged in 1949. Read more…
A history of Chinese Painting China has a very long tradition of painting. Most painting is done with the same style of brush and ink as calligraphy. Landscapes are the most cherished but exquisite paintings of nature subjects and portraits are also well represented. Read more…
Dao De Jing ancient classic The Dao De Jing (or Tao Te Ching using the old spelling) is a much loved Chinese classic. It is written as a series of short, individual thoughts and contemplations of our place in the world. It follows the Daoist (Taoist) philosophical tradition. It is over 2,500 years old but still has a message for us today. Read more…
Modern Leaders The leadership of the People's Republic since 1949 has been one of stability with an emphasis on steady progress. With China such a major power it is important to understand the background to the handful of people who have led China in a new direction. Read more…
Interactive map of China We have overlaid a Google map of China with our own additional information: airports, cities and visitor attractions to make it a far richer way to explore this vast country. Read more…