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Online Chinese Dictionary Have a word or character to look-up? Use our free and extensive online dictionary . Read more…
Ancient province of Shandong The eastern province of Shandong sticks out into the Yellow Sea and has many historic attractions. It boasts the birthplace of Confucius and also the manufacture of Qingdao beer. The most sacred mountain in China - Taishan - has many ancient temples and memorials. Read more…
Traditional and Simplified When you start learning Chinese you soon across the fact that there are two written forms still in use, the simplified form used in China and the old, traditional form still used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and other overseas Chinese communities. With 4,000 years of use the written Chinese language has many archaic features. On the formation of the Peoples' Republic an ambitious reform of the script was instigated which has made the learning of the characters far easier. Read more…
Dao De Jing ancient classic The Dao De Jing (or Tao Te Ching using the old spelling) is a much loved Chinese classic. It is written as a series of short, individual thoughts and contemplations of our place in the world. It follows the Daoist (Taoist) philosophical tradition. It is over 2,500 years old but still has a message for us today. Read more…
Interactive map of China We have overlaid a Google map of China with our own additional information: airports, cities and visitor attractions to make it a far richer way to explore this vast country. Read more…
Places to visit There is a great deal to see in China; it is impossible to see everything in one visit. Our visitor attraction page gives a wide range of places to visit all over China, and not just the obvious ones. Read more…