
Made up of [ shǒu hand radical 64, zhī to support; to sustain; to erect; to prop up ]
Made with 7 strokes.
The 'hand' suggests a manual skill while 'zhi' is the phonetic

Related characters

Also uses shǒu component: (to hold) bàn (to act) ; bào (to announce) ; bào (to hold) ; dān (to undertake) ; gǎo (to do) ; (to pull) ; qiú (to beat) ; tái (to lift) ; tuī (to push) ; (I (me)) ; zhǎo (to try to find)
Also uses zhī component: zhī (branch)

Sounds same

(border) ; (already) ; (season) ; (snout) ; (order) ; (to record) ; (to cross a river)

Different tone

(fowl) ; (machine) ; (lucky) ; (and) ; (how many) ; (self)

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黔驴技穷 qián lǖ jì qiong Even a clever donkey can not solve the problem. The story is that Guizhou province had no donkeys. A man brought a donkey there and having no further use for it set it free. The tiger then spotted the donkey and was scared of the new monster, but seeing it do very little but kick it killed and ate it. So it means being in desperate circumstances with no real options left
不觉技痒 bù jué jì yǎng Eagerness to impress people with a skill.
屠龙之技 tú lóng zhī jì Possessing a useless skill. Pointless training to achieve something of no value. Wasting time and effort.