bào to announce; to inform; report

Made up of [ shǒu hand radical 64, jié seal (of document) radical 26, yòu also; in addition; and radical 29]
A measure word to use for this noun: zhāng
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 7 strokes.
The elements suggest a sealed document held in a right hand - hence 'announce'

Related characters

Also uses shǒu component: (to hold) bàn (to act) bào (to hold) dān (to undertake) gǎo (to do) (skill) (to pull) qiú (to beat) tái (to lift) tuī (to push) (I (me)) zhǎo (to try to find)
Also uses jié component: (clothes) yíng (welcome)
Also uses yòu component: (to pass) duì (right) (to send out) fǎn (contrary) (clothes) hàn (chinese) huān (merry) (and) (fowl) jiān (difficult) nán (difficult) (to take) shèng (holy) shòu (to receive) shù (tree) shuāng (pair) yǒu (friend) (pool) zhī (to support)

Sounds same

bào (to hold)

Different tone

bāo (to cover) bāo (wrap) bǎo (jewel) bǎo (to eat till full)

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Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 报
Stroke order for character 报, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


恩将仇报 ēn jiāng chóu baò Reject kindness
感恩图报 gǎn ēn tú bào Repaying a debt of kindness. The story is from the Zhou dynasty when the state of Wu was mounting a war against the state of Zheng. A Zheng fisherman offered to try to stop the conflict. He boldly went to the enemy general Wu Zixu and reminded him that his father had saved Wu's life a long time ago. The general then recalled the incident and in repayment of the kindness called off his attack on Zheng.