报 bào to announce; to inform; report
Made up of [扌 shǒu hand radical 64, 㔾 jié seal (of document) radical 26, 又 yòu also; in addition; and radical 29]A measure word to use for this noun: 张 zhāng
Alternative traditional form of character: 報
Made with 7 strokes.
The elements suggest a sealed document held in a right hand - hence 'announce'
Related characters
Also uses 扌 shǒu component: 把 bǎ (to hold) 扮 bàn (to act) ; 抱 bào (to hold) ; 担 dān (to undertake) ; 搞 gǎo (to do) ; 技 jì (skill) ; 拉 lā (to pull) ; 打 qiú (to beat) ; 抬 tái (to lift) ; 推 tuī (to push) ; 我 wǒ (I (me)) ; 找 zhǎo (to try to find)
Also uses 㔾 jié component: 服 fú (clothes) 迎 yíng (welcome)
Also uses 又 yòu component: 度 dù (to pass) 对 duì (right) ; 发 fà (to send out) ; 反 fǎn (contrary) ; 服 fú (clothes) ; 汉 hàn (chinese) ; 欢 huān (merry) ; 及 jí (and) ; 鸡 jī (fowl) ; 艰 jiān (difficult) ; 难 nán (difficult) ; 取 qǔ (to take) ; 圣 shèng (holy) ; 受 shòu (to receive) ; 树 shù (tree) ; 双 shuāng (pair) ; 友 yǒu (friend) ; 泽 zé (pool) ; 支 zhī (to support)
Sounds same
抱 bào (to hold)Different tone
包 bāo (to cover) ; 勹 bāo (wrap) ; 宝 bǎo (jewel) ; 饱 bǎo (to eat till full)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 报, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
恩将仇报 ēn jiāng chóu baò Reject kindness感恩图报 gǎn ēn tú bào Repaying a debt of kindness. The story is from the Zhou dynasty when the state of Wu was mounting a war against the state of Zheng. A Zheng fisherman offered to try to stop the conflict. He boldly went to the enemy general Wu Zixu and reminded him that his father had saved Wu's life a long time ago. The general then recalled the incident and in repayment of the kindness called off his attack on Zheng.