发 fà to send out; to issue; to develop; hair
Made up of [又 yòu also; in addition; and radical 29]Made with 5 strokes.
As first tone it means to send out, as fourth tone means hair
Related characters
Also uses 又 yòu component: 报 bào (to announce) 度 dù (to pass) ; 对 duì (right) ; 反 fǎn (contrary) ; 服 fú (clothes) ; 汉 hàn (chinese) ; 欢 huān (merry) ; 及 jí (and) ; 鸡 jī (fowl) ; 艰 jiān (difficult) ; 难 nán (difficult) ; 取 qǔ (to take) ; 圣 shèng (holy) ; 受 shòu (to receive) ; 树 shù (tree) ; 双 shuāng (pair) ; 友 yǒu (friend) ; 泽 zé (pool) ; 支 zhī (to support)
Different tone
法 fǎ (law)Alternative pronunciation : fā
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 发, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng Fly into a furious rage箭在弦上,不得不发 jiàn zài xián shàng, bù dé bù fā Things have reached a point when its necessary for something to be done. No choice
旧病复发 jiù bìng fù fā It is difficult to shake off a deeply rooted habit
东窗事发 dōng chuāng shì fā The game is up. Generally said of villains whose evil plans have been thwarted. The story is of Qin Hui of the Song dynasty who hatched a plot under the east window of his house to tell lies about General Yue Fei. Qin Hui and his son died shortly after Yue Fei was executed. Qin's wife Wang used a necromancer who discovered the truth and was told by Qin's spirit that the East window plot had been exposed.
先发制人 xiān fā zhì rén The first side to attack/move often has the advantage. An admonishment to act now and not dither about.
发愤忘食 fā fèn wàng shí Concentrating on work so much that appetite is forgotten. Implication that work is interesting rather than drudgery.