pool; pond; damp

Made up of [ shuǐ water radical 85, yòu also; in addition; and radical 29]
Made with 8 strokes.
The 'water' radical gives the association with water, the second part gives the phonetic 'ze'

Related characters

Also uses shuǐ component: (wave) (law) gǎng (harbor) hǎi (sea) hàn (perspiration) hàn (chinese) (river) hóng (flood) (lake) huó (to live) (to cross a river) jiāng (river) jīn (ferry crossing) jiǔ (wine) mǎn (to fill) méi (have not) pào (bubble) (steam) qiǎn (shallow) qīng (clear) shè (to wade) (to wash) yǎn (to develop) (fishing) zhì (to rule) zhōu (region)
Also uses yòu component: bào (to announce) (to pass) duì (right) (to send out) fǎn (contrary) (clothes) hàn (chinese) huān (merry) (and) (fowl) jiān (difficult) nán (difficult) (to take) shèng (holy) shòu (to receive) shù (tree) shuāng (pair) yǒu (friend) zhī (to support)

Sounds same

(conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause)

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stroke order for 泽
Stroke order for character 泽, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


菏泽 Heze, Shandong


毛泽东 Mao Zedong
江泽民 Jiang Zemin


焚林而畋,竭泽而渔 fén lín ěr tián, jié zé ěr yú Ignoring the consequences
竭泽而渔 jié zé ér yú Choose short-term gain for long-term sorrow. Not planning for the long term. Short-termism. Similar to burning down a forest to capture wild animals - unsustainable.