友 yǒu friend
Used as component 友 in :爱 ài Made up of [又 yòu also; in addition; and radical 29]
Similar looking characters : 反 fǎn (contrary)
Made with 4 strokes.
Two hands clasped in friendship
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 又 yòu component: 报 bào (to announce) 度 dù (to pass) ; 对 duì (right) ; 发 fà (to send out) ; 反 fǎn (contrary) ; 服 fú (clothes) ; 汉 hàn (chinese) ; 欢 huān (merry) ; 及 jí (and) ; 鸡 jī (fowl) ; 艰 jiān (difficult) ; 难 nán (difficult) ; 取 qǔ (to take) ; 圣 shèng (holy) ; 受 shòu (to receive) ; 树 shù (tree) ; 双 shuāng (pair) ; 泽 zé (pool) ; 支 zhī (to support)
Sounds same
有 yǒu (have) ; 酉 yǒu (wine vessel)Different tone
攸 yōu (distant) ; 尤 yóu (outstanding) ; 由 yóu (to follow) ; 右 yòu (right) ; 又 yòu (also)
Stroke order for character 友, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
交个朋友多条路,树个敌人多堵墙 jiāo gè péng you duō tiáo lù, shù gè dí rén duō dǔ qiáng It is better to make friends than enemies酒肉朋友 jiǔ ròu péng yǒu Cupboard love