右 yòu right
Made up of [口 kǒu mouth radical 30, 手 shǒu hand ]Similar looking characters : 石 shí (rock)
Made with 5 strokes.
Combines a hand and a mouth, as right-handed people eat with the right hand. The hand is in simplified form.
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 口 kǒu component: 吧 bā (supposition or suggestion) 唱 chàng (to sing) ; 超 chāo (to exceed) ; 吃 chī (to eat) ; 船 chuán (boat) ; 啡 fēi (coffee) ; 富 fù (rich) ; 福 fú (good fortune) ; 告 gào (to tell) ; 各 gè (each) ; 宫 gōng (palace) ; 狗 gǒu (dog) ; 古 gǔ (ancient) ; 咳 hāi (sound of sighing) ; 号 hào (name) ; 和 hé (together) ; 合 hé (to close) ; 喝 hē (drink) ; 亨 hēng (prosperous) ; 后 hòu (behind) ; 回 huí (to circle) ; 或 huò (maybe) ; 吉 jí (lucky) ; 叫 jiào (called) ; 京 jīng (capital) ; 咎 jiù (fault) ; 句 jù (sentence) ; 局 jú (office) ; 君 jūn (monarch) ; 咖 kā (coffee) ; 可 kě (can) ; 另 lìng (other) ; 吗 mǎ (?) ; 命 mìng (life) ; 名 míng (name) ; 鸣 míng (to call (birds)) ; 呢 ne (and you?) ; 啤 pí (hops) ; 品 pǐn (article) ; 如 rú (as) ; 尚 shàng (still) ; 事 shì (matter) ; 史 shǐ (history) ; 虽 suī (although) ; 台 tái (typhoon) ; 唐 táng (Tang) ; 听 tīng (to listen) ; 同 tóng (same) ; 问 wèn (ask) ; 喜 xǐ (to be fond of) ; 兄 xiōng (elder brother) ; 咬 yǎo (to bite) ; 语 yǔ (language) ; 员 yuán (person) ; 曰 yuē (to speak) ; 占 zhān (to observe) ; 只 zhī (one) ; 知 zhī (to know) ; 周 zhōu (circuit) ; 足 zú (foot)
Also uses 手 shǒu component: 看 kàn (look) 掌 zhǎng (palm of the hand) ; 左 zuǒ (left)
Sounds same
又 yòu (also)Different tone
攸 yōu (distant) ; 尤 yóu (outstanding) ; 由 yóu (to follow) ; 友 yǒu (friend) ; 有 yǒu (have) ; 酉 yǒu (wine vessel)Pronunciation
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顾左右而言他 gù zuǒ yòu ér yán tā Avoiding talking about something; taking a long digression左右为难 zuǒ yòu wéi nán In a dilemma
王顾左右而言他 wáng gù zuǒ yòu ér yán tā Evading making an uncomfortable reply by changing the topic of conversation. The story is of Mencius who asked three questions of the king of Qi, when the last question touched on the king's mismanagement of the kingdom, the king looked left and right to other guests to dodge making a response