tīng to listen; to hear; to obey

Made up of [ kǒu mouth radical 30, jīn axe; measure of weight; kati radical 69]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 7 strokes.
The simplified form has greatly changed from a complex form which included 'ear'; 'heart' and 'student' elements, it is now 'mouth with an 'axe'

Related characters

Also uses kǒu component: (supposition or suggestion) chàng (to sing) ; chāo (to exceed) ; chī (to eat) ; chuán (boat) ; fēi (coffee) ; (rich) ; (good fortune) ; gào (to tell) ; (each) ; gōng (palace) ; gǒu (dog) ; (ancient) ; hāi (sound of sighing) ; hào (name) ; (together) ; (to close) ; (drink) ; hēng (prosperous) ; hòu (behind) ; huí (to circle) ; huò (maybe) ; (lucky) ; jiào (called) ; jīng (capital) ; jiù (fault) ; (sentence) ; (office) ; jūn (monarch) ; (coffee) ; (can) ; lìng (other) ; (?) ; mìng (life) ; míng (name) ; míng (to call (birds)) ; ne (and you?) ; (hops) ; pǐn (article) ; (as) ; shàng (still) ; shì (matter) ; shǐ (history) ; suī (although) ; tái (typhoon) ; táng (Tang) ; tóng (same) ; wèn (ask) ; (to be fond of) ; xiōng (elder brother) ; yǎo (to bite) ; yòu (right) ; (language) ; yuán (person) ; yuē (to speak) ; zhān (to observe) ; zhī (one) ; zhī (to know) ; zhōu (circuit) ; (foot)
Also uses jīn component: jìn (near) xīn (new)

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听其言观其行 tīng qí yán guān qí xíng Judge people by their actions, not by their words
我看见我忘记,我听见我记住,我做我了解 wǒ kàn jiàn wǒ wàng jì, wǒ tīng jiàn wǒ jì zhù, wǒ zuò wǒ liǎo jiě You learn only by trying it, not by just observing or talking about it
道听途说 dào tīng tú shuō Listening to roadside gossip or tittle-tattle.
兼听则明,偏信则暗 jiān tīng zé míng piān xìn zé àn Take advice from all quarters not just a few people. Wise Emperors of China read the reports (memorials) from many senior officials before making policy decisions.