huí to circle; to go back; to turn around

Made up of [ kǒu mouth radical 30, wéi proud; enclosure; upright radical 31]
Made with 6 strokes.
A picture of a whirlpool suggesting going around in a circle to original place. Also used informally as the number of times something happens rather like 'many happy returns' in English.

Related characters

Also uses kǒu component: (supposition or suggestion) chàng (to sing) ; chāo (to exceed) ; chī (to eat) ; chuán (boat) ; fēi (coffee) ; (rich) ; (good fortune) ; gào (to tell) ; (each) ; gōng (palace) ; gǒu (dog) ; (ancient) ; hāi (sound of sighing) ; hào (name) ; (together) ; (to close) ; (drink) ; hēng (prosperous) ; hòu (behind) ; huò (maybe) ; (lucky) ; jiào (called) ; jīng (capital) ; jiù (fault) ; (sentence) ; (office) ; jūn (monarch) ; (coffee) ; (can) ; lìng (other) ; (?) ; mìng (life) ; míng (name) ; míng (to call (birds)) ; ne (and you?) ; (hops) ; pǐn (article) ; (as) ; shàng (still) ; shì (matter) ; shǐ (history) ; suī (although) ; tái (typhoon) ; táng (Tang) ; tīng (to listen) ; tóng (same) ; wèn (ask) ; (to be fond of) ; xiōng (elder brother) ; yǎo (to bite) ; yòu (right) ; (language) ; yuán (person) ; yuē (to speak) ; zhān (to observe) ; zhī (one) ; zhī (to know) ; zhōu (circuit) ; (foot)
Also uses wéi component: (hard) guó (country) ; miàn (face) ; (four) ; yuán (park) ; zhōng (centre)

Different tone

huī (emblem) ; huǐ (to regret) ; huì (can)

< Previous huī Next huǐ >


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stroke order for 回
Stroke order for character 回, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


好马不吃回头草 hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo Pride may forbid a person going back to his home town after failure. Do not dwell on past actions, progress forward
起死回生 qǐ sǐ huí shēng Amazing recovery from illness. Said of a doctor who has brought someone back from a terminal condition.