yuán person; employee; member

Made up of [ kǒu mouth radical 30, bèi shell; precious; cowrie shell radical 154]
Alternative traditional form of character:
A 'mouth' on top of 'money' suggests a paid employee

Related characters

Also uses kǒu component: (supposition or suggestion) chàng (to sing) chāo (to exceed) chī (to eat) chuán (boat) fēi (coffee) (rich) (good fortune) gào (to tell) (each) gōng (palace) gǒu (dog) (ancient) hāi (sound of sighing) hào (name) (together) (to close) (drink) hēng (prosperous) hòu (behind) huí (to circle) huò (maybe) (lucky) jiào (called) jīng (capital) jiù (fault) (sentence) (office) jūn (monarch) (coffee) (can) lìng (other) (?) mìng (life) míng (name) míng (to call (birds)) ne (and you?) (hops) pǐn (article) (as) shàng (still) shì (matter) shǐ (history) suī (although) tái (typhoon) táng (Tang) tīng (to listen) tóng (same) wèn (ask) (to be fond of) xiōng (elder brother) yǎo (to bite) yòu (right) (language) yuē (to speak) zhān (to observe) zhī (one) zhī (to know) zhōu (circuit) (foot)
Also uses bèi component: (toilet) guì (precious) pín (poor) shǎng (to hand down) tiē (to stick) (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause) zhēn (chaste)

Sounds same

yuán (primary) yuán (former) yuán (park)

Different tone

yuǎn (far) yuàn (courtyard) yuàn (to hope)

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fú wù yuán Waiter