事 shì matter; thing; item
Made up of [亅 jué 'vertical hook' radical 6, 口 kǒu mouth radical 30]Made with 8 strokes.
Represented by two hands acting in trust or holding a stylus in a hand while recording words
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 口 kǒu component: 吧 bā (supposition or suggestion) 唱 chàng (to sing) ; 超 chāo (to exceed) ; 吃 chī (to eat) ; 船 chuán (boat) ; 啡 fēi (coffee) ; 富 fù (rich) ; 福 fú (good fortune) ; 告 gào (to tell) ; 各 gè (each) ; 宫 gōng (palace) ; 狗 gǒu (dog) ; 古 gǔ (ancient) ; 咳 hāi (sound of sighing) ; 号 hào (name) ; 和 hé (together) ; 合 hé (to close) ; 喝 hē (drink) ; 亨 hēng (prosperous) ; 后 hòu (behind) ; 回 huí (to circle) ; 或 huò (maybe) ; 吉 jí (lucky) ; 叫 jiào (called) ; 京 jīng (capital) ; 咎 jiù (fault) ; 句 jù (sentence) ; 局 jú (office) ; 君 jūn (monarch) ; 咖 kā (coffee) ; 可 kě (can) ; 另 lìng (other) ; 吗 mǎ (?) ; 命 mìng (life) ; 名 míng (name) ; 鸣 míng (to call (birds)) ; 呢 ne (and you?) ; 啤 pí (hops) ; 品 pǐn (article) ; 如 rú (as) ; 尚 shàng (still) ; 史 shǐ (history) ; 虽 suī (although) ; 台 tái (typhoon) ; 唐 táng (Tang) ; 听 tīng (to listen) ; 同 tóng (same) ; 问 wèn (ask) ; 喜 xǐ (to be fond of) ; 兄 xiōng (elder brother) ; 咬 yǎo (to bite) ; 右 yòu (right) ; 语 yǔ (language) ; 员 yuán (person) ; 曰 yuē (to speak) ; 占 zhān (to observe) ; 只 zhī (one) ; 知 zhī (to know) ; 周 zhōu (circuit) ; 足 zú (foot)
Sounds same
是 shì (is) ; 市 shì (market) ; 世 shì (life) ; 礻 shì (spirit) ; 士 shì (bachelor) ; 氏 shì (clan name) ; 示 shì (to show) ; 室 shì (room)Different tone
狮 shī (lion) ; 师 shī ; 失 shī (to lose) ; 尸 shī (corpse) ; 诗 shī (poem) ; 施 shī (to grant) ; 十 shí (ten) ; 时 shí (time) ; 石 shí (rock) ; 实 shí (real) ; 饣 shí (food) ; 食 shí (eat) ; 史 shǐ (history) ; 始 shǐ (to begin) ; 矢 shǐ (arrow) ; 豕 shǐ (pig)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 事, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
好人好事 hǎo rén hǎo shì Pleasant person who behaves well今日事,今日毕 jīn rì shì, jīn rì bì Finish the current job before starting something new
没做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门 méi zuò kuī xīn shì, bù pà guǐ jiào mén If you have done nothing wrong, there is no worry over retribution
事倍功半 shì bèi gōng bàn Work with care rather than speed
事实胜于雄辩 shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn Better to act than just talk about it
无事不登三宝殿 wú shì bū dēng sān bǎo diàn Often it is obvious when somebody is after something