shí ten; 10

Made with 2 strokes.
Like the roman numeral X it may represent the completion of the decimal count
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Sounds same

shí (time) ; shí (rock) ; shí (real) ; shí (food) ; shí (eat)

Different tone

shī (lion) ; shī ; shī (to lose) ; shī (corpse) ; shī (poem) ; shī (to grant) ; shǐ (history) ; shǐ (to begin) ; shǐ (arrow) ; shǐ (pig) ; shì (is) ; shì (matter) ; shì (market) ; shì (life) ; shì (spirit) ; shì (bachelor) ; shì (clan name) ; shì (to show) ; shì (room)


Index 24 used in: bàn (half) ; (virtue) ; dùn (shield) ; (ancient) ; huá (splendid) ; mài (sell) ; nán (south) ; (hops) ; shén (what) ; (noon) ; zài (to carry) ; zǎo (early) ; zhí (straight) ; zhī (to support)

< Previous radical 23 Next radical 25 >

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Sound file kindly provided by under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 十
Stroke order for character 十, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


十堰 Shiyan, Hubei


三十六计,走为上策 sān shí liù jì, zǒu wéi shàng cè Sometimes it is best to avoid conflict altogether. Flight can be the best option. 'The Thirty-Six Stratagems' was written by the great military thinker Sun Zi
十年树木,百年树人 shí nián shù mù, bǎi nián shù rén Studying may be slow and arduous but will be worth it
十全十美 shí quán shí měi Perfection; faultless
五十步笑一百步 wǔ shí bù xiào yī bǎi bù Being complacent about the future. Believing a job is all but done when only half done.
笑一笑,十年少 xiào yī xiào, shí nián shào Happiness is the best cosmetic
一登龙门,身价十倍 yī dēng lóng mén shēn jià shí bèi Diligent study brings great rewards. The Dragon Gate is a dangerous gorge on the Yellow River. Success in the Imperial examinations was likened to a carp ascending the gorge. Passing the examinations greatly added to prestige.


sì shí wǔ gè rén 45 people
bā diǎn shí fēn 10 past 8
wǔ bǎi wǔ shí sān 553


十二章纹 shí èr zhāng wén Imperial Insignia