shì life; age; generation

Made up of [ one radical 1]
Made with 5 strokes.
A picture of three leaves on a branch

Related characters

Also uses component: bǎi (hundred) bǐng (third in order) (no; not) chǒu (shameful) dàn (dawn) (virtue) huà (to draw) huò (maybe) jiāng (border) kāi (begin) (beautiful) liǎng (pair) měng (Mongol) miè (to extinguish) qiě (and) (to give) zài (again) zhèng (correct)

Sounds same

shì (is) shì (matter) shì (market) shì (spirit) shì (bachelor) shì (clan name) shì (to show) shì (room)

Different tone

shī (lion) shī shī (to lose) shī (corpse) shī (poem) shī (to grant) shí (ten) shí (time) shí (rock) shí (real) shí (food) shí (eat) shǐ (history) shǐ (to begin) shǐ (arrow) shǐ (pig)

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stroke order for 世
Stroke order for character 世, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


袁世凯 Yuan Shikai


花花世界 huā huā shì jiè World seething with life
世外桃源 shì wài táo yuán A mythical land of peace and harmony. The story is of a hidden land that a fisherman found while trying to escape turmoil and war in the Qin dynasty. Try as he might he never found the land again.
世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨 shì shàng méi yǒu wú yuán wú gù de ài, yě méi yǒu wú yuán wú gù de hèn There is a reason behind all strong emotions
欺世盗名 qī shì dào míng A con artist. Someone who sets out to become famous by lies and deception.