人 rén person
A measure word to use for this noun: 位 wèi
Similar looking characters : 入 rù (to enter)
Made with 2 strokes.
Simpified representation of a person as two legs
Ancient small seal form 

Sounds same
仁 rén (humane)Full character form of this simplified radical: 亻 rén
Index 9 used in: 茶 chá (tea) ; 从 cóng (from) ; 曷 hé (why) ; 会 huì (can) ; 今 jīn (modern) ; 久 jiǔ (long time) ; 令 lìng (to order) ; 舍 shè (residence) ; 食 shí (eat) ; 以 yǐ (to use) ; 众 zhòng (many) ; 座 zuò (seat) ; 坐 zuò (sit)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 人, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
打人不打脸 dǎ rén bù dǎ liǎn Be diplomatic and tactful when being critical恶人先告状 è rén xiān gàozhuàng The perpetrator diverts attention by being the first to complain
凡人不可貌相, 海水不可斗量 fán rén bù kě mào xiàng, hǎi shuǐ bù kě dòu liàng Judging by appearance is dangerous
好人好事 hǎo rén hǎo shì Pleasant person who behaves well
嫁祸于人 jià huò yú rén Spread blame onto others
交个朋友多条路,树个敌人多堵墙 jiāo gè péng you duō tiáo lù, shù gè dí rén duō dǔ qiáng It is better to make friends than enemies
四 十 五 个 人 sì shí wǔ gè rén 45 people她 是 美 国 人 tā shì měi guó rén She is an American
他 们 不 是 法 国 人 tā mén bù shì fǎ guó rén They are not French
你 是 英 国 人 吗 nǐ shì yīng guó rén mǎ Are you English?