?; question

Made up of [ kǒu mouth radical 30, horse radical 187]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 6 strokes.
The 'mouth' radical suggests it is to do with speech, the horse part gives the sound.

Related characters

Also uses kǒu component: (supposition or suggestion) chàng (to sing) ; chāo (to exceed) ; chī (to eat) ; chuán (boat) ; fēi (coffee) ; (rich) ; (good fortune) ; gào (to tell) ; (each) ; gōng (palace) ; gǒu (dog) ; (ancient) ; hāi (sound of sighing) ; hào (name) ; (together) ; (to close) ; (drink) ; hēng (prosperous) ; hòu (behind) ; huí (to circle) ; huò (maybe) ; (lucky) ; jiào (called) ; jīng (capital) ; jiù (fault) ; (sentence) ; (office) ; jūn (monarch) ; (coffee) ; (can) ; lìng (other) ; mìng (life) ; míng (name) ; míng (to call (birds)) ; ne (and you?) ; (hops) ; pǐn (article) ; (as) ; shàng (still) ; shì (matter) ; shǐ (history) ; suī (although) ; tái (typhoon) ; táng (Tang) ; tīng (to listen) ; tóng (same) ; wèn (ask) ; (to be fond of) ; xiōng (elder brother) ; yǎo (to bite) ; yòu (right) ; (language) ; yuán (person) ; yuē (to speak) ; zhān (to observe) ; zhī (one) ; zhī (to know) ; zhōu (circuit) ; (foot)
Also uses component: (mother) zhù (to halt)

Sounds same


Different tone


< Previous Next mǎi >


Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 吗
Stroke order for character 吗, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


nǐ shì yīng guó rén mǎ Are you English?
nǐ hǎo mǎ How are you?
hái yào qīng cài mǎ Are there any more vegetables?