好 hǎo good; correct; OK
Made up of [女 nǚ female; woman radical 38, 子 zǐ child; sage; seed radical 39]Made with 6 strokes.
Association of mother and child to stand for all things good
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 女 nǚ component: 矮 ǎi (low) 安 ān (peace) ; 妇 fù (woman) ; 姑 gū (paternal aunt) ; 婚 hūn (to marry) ; 姐 jiě (elder sister) ; 楼 lóu (multi-story building) ; 妈 mā (mother) ; 妹 mèi (younger sister) ; 奶 nǎi (milk) ; 如 rú (as) ; 始 shǐ (to begin) ; 她 tā (she) ; 妄 wàng (absurd) ; 姓 xìng (surname) ; 要 yào (want)
Also uses 子 zǐ component: 存 biān (to exist) 孚 fú (to trust) ; 孩 hái (child) ; 亨 hēng (prosperous) ; 季 jì (season) ; 孔 kǒng (great) ; 李 lǐ (plum) ; 孟 mèng (first month of a season) ; 孙 sūn (grandson) ; 孝 xiào (filial piety or obedience) ; 学 xué (study) ; 字 zì (letter)
Different tone
号 hào (name)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 好, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
好马不吃回头草 hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo Pride may forbid a person going back to his home town after failure. Do not dwell on past actions, progress forward好人好事 hǎo rén hǎo shì Pleasant person who behaves well
学好三年,学坏三天 xué hǎo sān nián, xué huài sān tiān Falling into bad ways is far easier than keeping to the good
也要马儿好,也要马儿不吃草 yě yaò mǎ ér haǒ, yě yaò mǎ ér bù chī caǒ To prosper you must make compromises, you can not have it all your own way
好好先生 hǎo hǎo xiān shēng Someone who agrees with everything said. More likely to be so as to not give any offense rather than ingratiating
叶公好龙 Yè gōng hào lóng Pretending to be fond of something which is actually greatly feared. The story is of Duke Ye who decorated whole his house and clothes with dragon motifs. However when a real dragon flew over and landed near his house he trembled in fear. Said of someone hiding their true feelings.
你 好 nǐ hǎo Hello你 好 吗 nǐ hǎo mǎ How are you?
今 天 天 气 好 jīn tiān tiān qì hǎo The weather is good today