狗 gǒu dog; cursed
Made up of [犭 quǎn dog radical 94, 勹 bāo wrap radical 20, 口 kǒu mouth radical 30]A measure word to use for this noun: 条 tiáo
Made with 8 strokes.
Contains the radical for 'dog' or 'animal' with a phonetic for 'gou'
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 犭 quǎn component: 独 dú (alone) 猫 māo (cat) ; 狮 shī (lion) ; 猪 zhū (hog)
Also uses 勹 bāo component: 包 bāo (to cover) 曷 hé (why) ; 句 jù (sentence) ; 葡 pú (grape) ; 勺 sháo (spoon) ; 萄 táo (grapes) ; 勿 wù (do not)
Also uses 口 kǒu component: 吧 bā (supposition or suggestion) 唱 chàng (to sing) ; 超 chāo (to exceed) ; 吃 chī (to eat) ; 船 chuán (boat) ; 啡 fēi (coffee) ; 富 fù (rich) ; 福 fú (good fortune) ; 告 gào (to tell) ; 各 gè (each) ; 宫 gōng (palace) ; 古 gǔ (ancient) ; 咳 hāi (sound of sighing) ; 号 hào (name) ; 和 hé (together) ; 合 hé (to close) ; 喝 hē (drink) ; 亨 hēng (prosperous) ; 后 hòu (behind) ; 回 huí (to circle) ; 或 huò (maybe) ; 吉 jí (lucky) ; 叫 jiào (called) ; 京 jīng (capital) ; 咎 jiù (fault) ; 句 jù (sentence) ; 局 jú (office) ; 君 jūn (monarch) ; 咖 kā (coffee) ; 可 kě (can) ; 另 lìng (other) ; 吗 mǎ (?) ; 命 mìng (life) ; 名 míng (name) ; 鸣 míng (to call (birds)) ; 呢 ne (and you?) ; 啤 pí (hops) ; 品 pǐn (article) ; 如 rú (as) ; 尚 shàng (still) ; 事 shì (matter) ; 史 shǐ (history) ; 虽 suī (although) ; 台 tái (typhoon) ; 唐 táng (Tang) ; 听 tīng (to listen) ; 同 tóng (same) ; 问 wèn (ask) ; 喜 xǐ (to be fond of) ; 兄 xiōng (elder brother) ; 咬 yǎo (to bite) ; 右 yòu (right) ; 语 yǔ (language) ; 员 yuán (person) ; 曰 yuē (to speak) ; 占 zhān (to observe) ; 只 zhī (one) ; 知 zhī (to know) ; 周 zhōu (circuit) ; 足 zú (foot)
Different tone
姤 gòu ; 够 gòu (to reach)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 狗, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
狗急跳墙 gǒu jí tiaò qiáng Extreme circumstances require extreme measures狗猛酒酸 gǒu měng jiǔ suān Bad company discourages true friends
嫁鸡随鸡, 嫁狗随狗 jià jī suí jī, jià gǒu suí gǒu Changing approach and actions according to who you are with
狼心狗肺 láng xīn gǒu fèi Ungrateful and unscrupulous
肉包子打狗 ròu bāo zǐ dǎ gǒu To use a self defeating method to solve a problem
兔死狗烹 tù sǐ gǒu pēng Watch your back. Once the mission is accomplished you may be sacked