huá splendid; prosperous

Made up of [ rén Person (radical) radical 9, spoon; ladle radical 21, shí ten; 10 radical 24]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 6 strokes.
Can be thought of as ten (an abundance) of transformations
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Related characters

Also uses rén component: bǐng (both) chàng (to initiate) ; dài (replace) ; dàn (but) ; dào (fall) ; 仿 fǎng (to imitate) ; fèn (portion) ; gōng (to provide) ; (estimate) ; (what) ; hòu (wait) ; hóu (nobleman) ; huà (to make into) ; huā (flower) ; jiàn (healthy) ; liǎng (pair) ; mén (s) ; (you) ; rén (humane) ; shén (what) ; (he) ; wèi (position) ; xiān (immortal) ; xìn (letter) ; (night) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; yōu (distant) ; zhí (value) ; zhù (to live) ; zhuàn (biography) ; zuò (to do) ; zuò (to make)
Also uses component: běi (north) (this) ; huà (to make into) ; huā (flower) ; lǎo (venerable) ; ne (and you?) ; néng (to be able to) ; (die) ; (it)
Also uses shí component: bàn (half) (virtue) ; dùn (shield) ; (ancient) ; mài (sell) ; nán (south) ; (hops) ; shén (what) ; (noon) ; zài (to carry) ; zǎo (early) ; zhí (straight) ; zhī (to support)

Different tone

huā (flower) ; huà (speech) ; huà (to make into) ; huà (to draw)

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华国锋 Hua Guofeng


华而不实 huá ér bù shí Said of someone is all show and no substance