huá splendid; prosperous

Made up of [ rén Person (radical) radical 9, spoon; ladle radical 21, shí ten; 10 radical 24]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 6 strokes.
Can be thought of as ten (an abundance) of transformations
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Related characters

Also uses rén component: bǐng (both) chàng (to initiate) dài (replace) dàn (but) dào (fall) 仿 fǎng (to imitate) fèn (portion) gōng (to provide) (estimate) (what) hòu (wait) hóu (nobleman) huà (to make into) huā (flower) jiàn (healthy) liǎng (pair) mén (s) (you) rén (humane) shén (what) (he) wèi (position) xiān (immortal) xìn (letter) (night) 亿 (100,000,000) yōu (distant) zhí (value) zhù (to live) zhuàn (biography) zuò (to do) zuò (to make)
Also uses component: běi (north) (this) huà (to make into) huā (flower) lǎo (venerable) ne (and you?) néng (to be able to) (die) (it)
Also uses shí component: bàn (half) (virtue) dùn (shield) (ancient) mài (sell) nán (south) (hops) shén (what) (noon) zài (to carry) zǎo (early) zhí (straight) zhī (to support)

Different tone

huā (flower) huà (speech) huà (to make into) huà (to draw)

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华国锋 Hua Guofeng


华而不实 huá ér bù shí Said of someone is all show and no substance