gōng to provide; to supply

Made up of [ rén Person (radical) radical 9, gòng common; general ]
Made with 8 strokes.
Gong is phonetic and idea of 'together' the person radical gives idea of people together

Related characters

Also uses rén component: bǐng (both) chàng (to initiate) dài (replace) dàn (but) dào (fall) 仿 fǎng (to imitate) fèn (portion) (estimate) (what) hòu (wait) hóu (nobleman) huà (to make into) huá (splendid) huā (flower) jiàn (healthy) liǎng (pair) mén (s) (you) rén (humane) shén (what) (he) wèi (position) xiān (immortal) xìn (letter) (night) 亿 (100,000,000) yōu (distant) zhí (value) zhù (to live) zhuàn (biography) zuò (to do) zuò (to make)
Also uses gòng component: gǎng (harbor) hóng (flood)

Sounds same

gōng (work) gōng (palace) gōng (public) gōng (accomplishment) gōng (bow)

Different tone

gǒng (two hands) gòng (common)

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