dào fall; topple; upside down

Made up of [ rén Person (radical) radical 9, dào arrive; reach ]
Made with 8 strokes.
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Related characters

Also uses rén component: bǐng (both) chàng (to initiate) ; dài (replace) ; dàn (but) ; 仿 fǎng (to imitate) ; fèn (portion) ; gōng (to provide) ; (estimate) ; (what) ; hòu (wait) ; hóu (nobleman) ; huà (to make into) ; huá (splendid) ; huā (flower) ; jiàn (healthy) ; liǎng (pair) ; mén (s) ; (you) ; rén (humane) ; shén (what) ; (he) ; wèi (position) ; xiān (immortal) ; xìn (letter) ; (night) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; yōu (distant) ; zhí (value) ; zhù (to live) ; zhuàn (biography) ; zuò (to do) ; zuò (to make)

Sounds same

dào (arrive) ; dào (road)

Different tone

dāo (knife) ; dāo (knife (radical)) ; dǎo (island)

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倒戈相向 daǒ gē xiāng xiàng Betray one's own side
树倒猢狲散 shù daǒ hú sūn sàn When a leader loses power, his followers are disorganized and also lose power. Often said to warn someone that they hold their position only so long as their patron is in power
倒绷孩儿 dào bēng hái ér Accidentally wrapping a new-born baby the wrong way round. Said of someone who though skilled can sometimes make mistakes. An occasional error out of character.
倒屣相迎 dào xǐ xiāng yíng So keen to meet a guest that shoes are put on the wrong way around. Excitement about meeting someone who is loved or idolized.