亿 yì 100,000,000; hundred million
Made up of [亻 rén Person (radical) radical 9, 乚 yǐ hidden; concealed; small radical 5]Alternative traditional form of character: 億
Made with 18 strokes.
Combination of 'person' and phonetic for 'yi' the connection with such a large number is not clear, may be just a suggestion of the population as a whole
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 亻 rén component: 俩 bǐng (both) 倡 chàng (to initiate) ; 代 dài (replace) ; 但 dàn (but) ; 倒 dào (fall) ; 仿 fǎng (to imitate) ; 份 fèn (portion) ; 供 gōng (to provide) ; 估 gū (estimate) ; 何 hé (what) ; 候 hòu (wait) ; 侯 hóu (nobleman) ; 化 huà (to make into) ; 华 huá (splendid) ; 花 huā (flower) ; 健 jiàn (healthy) ; 两 liǎng (pair) ; 们 mén (s) ; 你 nǐ (you) ; 仁 rén (humane) ; 什 shén (what) ; 他 tā (he) ; 位 wèi (position) ; 仙 xiān (immortal) ; 信 xìn (letter) ; 夜 yè (night) ; 攸 yōu (distant) ; 值 zhí (value) ; 住 zhù (to live) ; 传 zhuàn (biography) ; 作 zuò (to do) ; 做 zuò (to make)
Also uses 乚 yǐ component: 吃 chī (to eat) 曷 hé (why) ; 九 jiǔ (nine) ; 孔 kǒng (great) ; 礼 lǐ (ceremony) ; 令 lìng (to order) ; 乱 luàn (in confusion or disorder) ; 卖 mài (sell) ; 买 mǎi (buy) ; 习 xí (to practice) ; 也 yě (also) ; 艺 yì (skill) ; 忆 yì (to recollect) ; 以 yǐ (to use)
Sounds same
易 yì (easy) ; 益 yì ; 义 yì (justice) ; 亦 yì (also) ; 邑 yì (city) ; 弋 yì (catch) ; 艺 yì (skill) ; 忆 yì (to recollect) ; 意 yì (idea) ; 异 yì (different)Different tone
一 yī (one) ; 医 yī (doctor) ; 衤 yī (clothes) ; 衣 yī (clothes) ; 颐 yí ; 宜 yí (proper) ; 夷 yí (barbarians) ; 乚 yǐ (hidden) ; 以 yǐ (to use) ; 椅 yǐ (chair) ; 已 yǐ (already) ; 乙 yǐ (twist)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 亿, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚