亿 100,000,000; hundred million

Made up of [ rén Person (radical) radical 9, hidden; concealed; small radical 5]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 18 strokes.
Combination of 'person' and phonetic for 'yi' the connection with such a large number is not clear, may be just a suggestion of the population as a whole
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Related characters

Also uses rén component: bǐng (both) chàng (to initiate) dài (replace) dàn (but) dào (fall) 仿 fǎng (to imitate) fèn (portion) gōng (to provide) (estimate) (what) hòu (wait) hóu (nobleman) huà (to make into) huá (splendid) huā (flower) jiàn (healthy) liǎng (pair) mén (s) (you) rén (humane) shén (what) (he) wèi (position) xiān (immortal) xìn (letter) (night) yōu (distant) zhí (value) zhù (to live) zhuàn (biography) zuò (to do) zuò (to make)
Also uses component: chī (to eat) (why) jiǔ (nine) kǒng (great) (ceremony) lìng (to order) luàn (in confusion or disorder) mài (sell) mǎi (buy) (to practice) (also) (skill) (to recollect) (to use)

Sounds same

(easy) (justice) (also) (city) (catch) (skill) (to recollect) (idea) (different)

Different tone

(one) (doctor) (clothes) (clothes) (proper) (barbarians) (hidden) (to use) (chair) (already) (twist)

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Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 亿
Stroke order for character 亿, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license