skill; art

Made up of [ cǎo grass; herb radical 140, hidden; concealed; small radical 5]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 4 strokes.
Originally a person kneeling by a tree suggesting 'planting'. 'Yi' is also the phonetic. It now refers to skills in general not just planting

Related characters

Also uses cǎo component: cài (vegetable) cǎo (grass) chá (tea) dǒng (to understand) huā (flower) jié (joint) (bitter) lán (blue) láo (to toil) mǎn (to fill) māo (cat) měng (Mongol) (do not) píng (apple) (grape) qián (front) ruò (to seem) (revive) táo (grapes) yào (medicine) yīng (flower) zàng (treasury) zhēng (to steam)
Also uses component: chī (to eat) (why) jiǔ (nine) kǒng (great) (ceremony) lìng (to order) luàn (in confusion or disorder) mài (sell) mǎi (buy) (to practice) (also) 亿 (100,000,000) (to recollect) (to use)

Sounds same

(easy) 亿 (100,000,000) (justice) (also) (city) (catch) (to recollect) (idea) (different)

Different tone

(one) (doctor) (clothes) (clothes) (proper) (barbarians) (hidden) (to use) (chair) (already) (twist)

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赐子千金不如教子一艺 cì zǐ qiān jīn bù rú jiào zǐ yī yì Learning a new skill will pay dividends in the future