邑 yì city; village
Made with 7 strokes.
Picture of an enclosure with person kneeling hence a city or district. Often seen as radical 阝 to represent place.
Sounds same
易 yì (easy) ; 亿 yì (100,000,000) ; 益 yì ; 义 yì (justice) ; 亦 yì (also) ; 弋 yì (catch) ; 艺 yì (skill) ; 忆 yì (to recollect) ; 意 yì (idea) ; 异 yì (different)Different tone
一 yī (one) ; 医 yī (doctor) ; 衤 yī (clothes) ; 衣 yī (clothes) ; 颐 yí ; 宜 yí (proper) ; 夷 yí (barbarians) ; 乚 yǐ (hidden) ; 以 yǐ (to use) ; 椅 yǐ (chair) ; 已 yǐ (already) ; 乙 yǐ (twist)
Stroke order for character 邑, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚