already; to stop; then

Similar looking characters : (self)
Made with 3 strokes.
Easily confused with similar looking 'ji' self

Sounds same

(hidden) ; (to use) ; (chair) ; (twist)

Different tone

(one) ; (doctor) ; (clothes) ; (clothes) ; ; (proper) ; (barbarians) ; (easy) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; ; (justice) ; (also) ; (city) ; (catch) ; (skill) ; (to recollect) ; (idea) ; (different)

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stroke order for 已
Stroke order for character 已, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


木已成舟 mù yǐ chéng zhōu Too late to change anything
庆父不死,鲁难未已 qìng fù bù sǐ Lǔ nàn wèi yǐ Take action to remove someone/something obstructing progress, In the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history Qing Fu rose to power in the state of Lu and ruled as a complete despot killing any opponents. Peace did not come until he had been removed from power.