jié joint; knot; festival

Made up of [ cǎo grass; herb radical 140]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 5 strokes.
Orginal form comes from a knot in a bamboo stem. From this probably comes the idea of a meeting of people - festival. Also a measure word for things made up of sections e.g. trains and schoolroom classes

Related characters

Also uses cǎo component: cài (vegetable) cǎo (grass) ; chá (tea) ; dǒng (to understand) ; huā (flower) ; (bitter) ; lán (blue) ; láo (to toil) ; mǎn (to fill) ; māo (cat) ; měng (Mongol) ; (do not) ; píng (apple) ; (grape) ; qián (front) ; ruò (to seem) ; (revive) ; táo (grapes) ; yào (medicine) ; (skill) ; yīng (flower) ; zàng (treasury) ; zhēng (to steam)

Sounds same

jié ; jié (seal (of document)) ; jié (knot)

Different tone

jiē (street) ; jiě (elder sister)

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Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License


节哀顺变 jié āi shùn biàn Often said as a token of condolence on a death
节外生枝 jié wài shēng zhī New problems pop up unexpectedly
月到中秋分外明, 每逢佳节倍思亲 yuè dào zhōng qiū fèn wài míng, měi féng jiā jié bèi sī qīn Longing to see family from far away


春节 Chūnjié Spring Festival
元宵节 Yuánxiāojié Lantern Festival
上巳节 Shàngsìjié Shangsi Festival
清明节 Qīngmíngjié Qingming Festival
端午节 Duānwǔjié Dragon Boat Festival
七夕节 Qīxìjié Chinese Valentines Festival
中秋节 Zhōngqiūjié Mid Autumn Festival
重阳节 Zhòngyángjié Double Ninth Festival
腊八节 Làbā jié Laba Festival
花朝节 Huā zhāo jié Flower Festival
寒食节 hán shí jié Cold Food Festival
雨节 Yǔ jié Rain Festival
半年节 Bàn nián jié Half Year Festival
晒衣节 Shài yī jié Clothes Drying Day