luàn in confusion or disorder; in a confused state of mind; disorder

Made up of [ shé tongue radical 135, hidden; concealed; small radical 5]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 7 strokes.

Related characters

Also uses shé component: huà (speech) huó (to live) ; shè (residence)
Also uses component: chī (to eat) (why) ; jiǔ (nine) ; kǒng (great) ; (ceremony) ; lìng (to order) ; mài (sell) ; mǎi (buy) ; (to practice) ; (also) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; (skill) ; (to recollect) ; (to use)

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乱七八糟 luàn qī bā zāo To be in a terrible mess. Dirty and filthy
坐怀不乱 zuò huái bù luàn To describe a man who refuses to be tempted by lustful thoughts