yǒu have

Made up of [ yuè moon; month radical 74]
Made with 6 strokes.
Derived from a hand grasping a piece of 'meat' which has been replaced by 'moon' over the years
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Related characters

Also uses yuè component: dǎn (the gall) (clothes) ; gān (liver) ; (lake) ; (beard) ; jiāo (to glue) ; míng (bright) ; néng (to be able to) ; péng (friend) ; péng (friend) ; (phase) ; qián (front) ; qīng (green) ; sàn (to scatter) ; shèng (victory) ; suí (Sui) ; yīn (yin) ; zhāo (dynasty)

Sounds same

yǒu (friend) ; yǒu (wine vessel)

Different tone

yōu (distant) ; yóu (outstanding) ; yóu (to follow) ; yòu (right) ; yòu (also)

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Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 有
Stroke order for character 有, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


常将有日思无日,莫将无时想有时 cháng jiāng yǒu rì sī wú rì, mò jiāng wú shí xiǎng yǒu shí When rich, you have time to dream, but do not dream of riches when you are poor
话里有话 huà lǐ yǒu huà There is more in what was said than is obvious
今朝有酒今朝醉 jīn zhāo yǒu jiǔ jīn zhāo zuì Take advantage of good fortune while it is around
萝卜白菜,各有所爱 luó bo bái cài, gè yǒu suǒ ài Everyone has their own preferences
人各有能有不能 rén gè yǒu néng yǒu bù néng Everyone has their own particular set of skills
生活有爱幸福,为爱生活愚蠢 shēng huó yǒu ài xìngfú, wèi ài shēng huó yú chǔn Love is not the most important thing


wǒ yǒu liù zhāng hóng piào I have six red tickets
méi yǒu Have not
děng yī děng yǒu piào Please wait... Yes I have a ticket