明 míng bright
Made up of [日 rì sun; day radical 72, 月 yuè moon; month radical 74]Similar looking characters : 朋 péng (friend)
Made with 8 strokes.
The two brightest objects: the sun and moon together mean brightness
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 日 rì component: 白 bái (bright) 曾 céng (once) ; 昌 chāng (prosperous) ; 春 chūn (spring) ; 旦 dàn (dawn) ; 婚 hūn (to marry) ; 间 jiàn (gap) ; 间 jiān (between) ; 景 jǐng (bright) ; 旧 jiù (old) ; 莫 mò (do not) ; 普 pǔ (general) ; 晴 qíng (clear sky) ; 是 shì (is) ; 时 shí (time) ; 暑 shǔ (heat) ; 晚 wǎn (evening) ; 香 xiāng (fragrant) ; 星 xīng (star) ; 阳 yáng (yang) ; 易 yì (easy) ; 音 yīn (sound) ; 影 yǐng (picture) ; 早 zǎo (early) ; 照 zhào (according to) ; 者 zhě (in process of) ; 桌 zhuō (table) ; 最 zuì (most) ; 昨 zuó (previous)
Also uses 月 yuè component: 胆 dǎn (the gall) 服 fú (clothes) ; 肝 gān (liver) ; 湖 hú (lake) ; 胡 hú (beard) ; 胶 jiāo (to glue) ; 能 néng (to be able to) ; 朋 péng (friend) ; 朋 péng (friend) ; 期 qī (phase) ; 前 qián (front) ; 青 qīng (green) ; 散 sàn (to scatter) ; 胜 shèng (victory) ; 隋 suí (Sui) ; 阴 yīn (yin) ; 有 yǒu (have) ; 朝 zhāo (dynasty)
Sounds same
名 míng (name) ; 鸣 míng (to call (birds))Different tone
命 mìng (life)Cities
昆明 Kunming, Yunnan三明 Sanming, Fujian
明枪易躲,暗箭难防 míng qiāng yì duǒ, àn jiàn nán fáng It is difficult to guard against furtive attacks明知故问 míng zhī gù wèn To ask a question when already knowing the answer
山明水秀 shān míng shuǐ xiù Beautiful landscape
月到中秋分外明, 每逢佳节倍思亲 yuè dào zhōng qiū fèn wài míng, měi féng jiā jié bèi sī qīn Longing to see family from far away
明察秋毫 míng chá qiū háo A perceptive and sharp-sighted person who is able to grasp all the detail. In autumn some animals grow new, fine fur to keep themselves warm in winter.
自知之明 zì zhī zhī míng Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is an essential first step in life. being able to judge yourself objectively as others see you is a path to harmony and true friendship.
明 天 míng tiān Tomorrow明 年 míng nián Next year
清明节 Qīngmíngjié Qingming Festival赵公明 Zhào gōngmíng Zhao Gongming Birthday