饱 bǎo to eat till full; satisfied
Made up of [饣 shí food; eat radical 184, 包 bāo to cover; to wrap; to hold ]Alternative traditional form of character: 飽
Made with 8 strokes.
The food radical is combined with 'bao' the phnoetic but also suggests being fully 'wrapped' with food
Related characters
Also uses 饣 shí component: 饭 fàn (food) 馆 guǎn (building) 饺 jiǎo (dumpling) 饮 yǐn (to drink)
Also uses 包 bāo component: 抱 bào (to hold) 泡 pào (bubble) 炮 pào (cannon) 跑 sì (to run)
Sounds same
宝 bǎo (jewel)Different tone
包 bāo (to cover) 勹 bāo (wrap) 报 bào (to announce) 抱 bào (to hold)Pronunciation
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