to record; to note; to remember

Made up of [ yán words radical 149, self; oneself; sixth in order ]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 5 strokes.
The use of words radical suggests it is to do with writing, 'ji' self provides the phonetic

Related characters

Also uses yán component: dàn (birth) 访 fǎng (to visit) ; huà (speech) ; (riddle) ; qǐng (please) ; shéi (who) ; shī (poem) ; shuō (to speak) ; (to complain) ; xiè (thanks) ; (language)
Also uses component: (order) (to rise)

Sounds same

(border) ; (already) ; (season) ; (snout) ; (order) ; (skill) ; (to cross a river)

Different tone

(fowl) ; (machine) ; (lucky) ; (and) ; (how many) ; (self)

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我看见我忘记,我听见我记住,我做我了解 wǒ kàn jiàn wǒ wàng jì, wǒ tīng jiàn wǒ jì zhù, wǒ zuò wǒ liǎo jiě You learn only by trying it, not by just observing or talking about it