里 lǐ inside; chinese mile; village
Made up of [土 tǔ earth; soil radical 32, 田 tián field radical 102]Alternative traditional form of character: 裏
Made with 7 strokes.
Combination of earth and field gives unit of distance (now 500metres) and village.
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 土 tǔ component: 场 cháng (threshing floor) 城 chéng (city) ; 地 dì (earth) ; 圭 guī (jade tablet) ; 圭 guī (jade tablet) ; 黑 hēi (black) ; 疆 jiāng (border) ; 块 kuài (piece) ; 陵 líng (mound) ; 去 qù (go) ; 丧 sàng (to lose) ; 圣 shèng (holy) ; 寺 sì (Buddhist temple) ; 在 zài (exist) ; 至 zhì (to arrive) ; 周 zhōu (circuit) ; 走 zǒu (walk) ; 座 zuò (seat) ; 坐 zuò (sit)
Also uses 田 tián component: 畜 chù (livestock) 戴 dài (to respect) ; 电 diàn (electric) ; 富 fù (rich) ; 福 fú (good fortune) ; 画 huà (to draw) ; 黄 huáng (yellow) ; 甲 jiǎ (first in list) ; 疆 jiāng (border) ; 累 lèi (tired) ; 雷 léi (thunder) ; 猫 māo (cat) ; 亩 mǔ (area) ; 男 nán (male) ; 申 shēn (to extend) ; 思 sī (to think) ; 由 yóu (to follow)
Sounds same
礼 lǐ (ceremony) ; 理 lǐ (texture) ; 李 lǐ (plum)Different tone
离 lí (Fire) ; 离 lí ; 梨 lí (pear) ; 力 lì (strength) ; 立 lì (stand) ; 利 lì (sharp) ; 厉 lì (strict) ; 丽 lì (beautiful) ; 历 lì (to experience)Radical
Index 166 used in: 理 lǐ (texture) ; 童 tóng (boy servant)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 里, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
读万卷书不如行万里路 dú wàn juǎn shū bù rú xíng wàn lǐ lù Learn from practical experience not from books儿行千里母担忧 ér xíng qiān lǐ mǔ dān yōu Mothers will always worry about their children
话里有话 huà lǐ yǒu huà There is more in what was said than is obvious
老骥伏枥,志在千里 lǎo jì fú lì, zhì zài qiān lǐ Ambitions never fade. An old person still has high hopes
千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 qiān lǐ zhī dī, kuì yú yǐ xué Take full attention to detail to avoid catastrophe
千里之行始于足下 qiān lǐ zhī xíng shǐ yú zú xià Perseverance will lead to eventual success