huáng yellow

Made up of [ tián field radical 102, eight; 8 radical 12]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 11 strokes.
Not the origin but it might help to remember as many (8) yellow wheat fields
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Related characters

Also uses tián component: chù (livestock) dài (to respect) ; diàn (electric) ; (rich) ; (good fortune) ; huà (to draw) ; jiǎ (first in list) ; jiāng (border) ; lèi (tired) ; léi (thunder) ; (inside) ; māo (cat) ; (area) ; nán (male) ; shēn (to extend) ; (to think) ; yóu (to follow)
Also uses component: dài (to respect) fēn (divide) ; gòng (common) ; gōng (public) ; guān (shut) ; líng (mound) ; liù (six) ; (his) ; shāng (commerce) ; (four) ; xīng (prosper) ; xué (cave)

Sounds same

huáng (emperor)

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Sound file kindly provided by under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 黄
Stroke order for character 黄, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


黄石 Huangshi, Hubei


黄帝 Yellow Emperor


不到黄河不死心 bù dào Huáng hé bù sǐ xīn Keep going until you hit an insurmountable obstacle
飞黄腾达 fēi huáng téng dá A meteoric rise to success and honour
牝牡骊黄 pìn mǔ lí huáng Don't judge by outward appearance. The horse's ability is more important than the external appearance. The story is that a Duke of Qin wanted a good horse. He was told a yellow stallion had been selected. On seeing it was in fact a black mare the duke was annoyed but the horse expert stood his ground saying it was the character and ability that was the important thing.
黄粱美梦 huáng liáng měi mèng A fanciful day dream. The story is of a man who took a brief nap while his host was cooking a bowl of millet. He dreamed of becoming married to a beautiful wife and immensely rich and living to a great age. When he woke up the millet was cooked but he found he was still poor.
染于苍则 染于黄则黄 rǎn yú cāng zé cāng rǎn yú huáng zé huáng People behave differently according to circumstance. Taking on local conventions and customs.


huáng de Yellow one


黄河 Huáng Hé Yellow River
huáng yellow