申 shēn to extend; to state; to explain
Made up of [田 tián field radical 102]Used as component 申 in :神 shén
Made with 5 strokes.
Originally a picture of a bolt of lightning but became a 'field' with an extended central line - hence concept of 'extend'
Related characters
Also uses 田 tián component: 畜 chù (livestock) 戴 dài (to respect) ; 电 diàn (electric) ; 富 fù (rich) ; 福 fú (good fortune) ; 画 huà (to draw) ; 黄 huáng (yellow) ; 甲 jiǎ (first in list) ; 疆 jiāng (border) ; 累 lèi (tired) ; 雷 léi (thunder) ; 里 lǐ (inside) ; 猫 māo (cat) ; 亩 mǔ (area) ; 男 nán (male) ; 思 sī (to think) ; 由 yóu (to follow)
Sounds same
身 shēn (body)Different tone
神 shén (god) ; 什 shén (what)
Stroke order for character 申, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚