头 tóu head
Made up of [大 dà big; great; large; very radical 37]Used as component 头 in :实 shí ; 卖 mài ; 买 mǎi
This measure word can be used with these nouns: 羊 yáng (sheep) 象 xiàng (elephant) 牛 niú (ox)
Alternative traditional form of character: 頭
Made with 5 strokes.
Substantially simplified pictogram of head upon a body. Measure word for livestock (just like English heads of cattle etc)
Ancient small seal form 

Related characters
Also uses 大 dà component: 夫 fū (husband) 美 měi (beautiful) ; 莫 mò (do not) ; 奇 qí (strange) ; 庆 qìng (celebrate) ; 失 shī (to lose) ; 太 tài (too) ; 天 tiān (sky) ; 央 yāng (center) ; 夷 yí (barbarians)
Sounds same
亠 tóu (head)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License
汕头 Shantou, Guangdong包头 Baotou, Inner Mongolia
好马不吃回头草 hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo Pride may forbid a person going back to his home town after failure. Do not dwell on past actions, progress forward虎头蛇尾 hǔ tóu shé wěi Begins promisingly but ends badly
焦头烂额 jiāo tóu làn é In terrible trouble
蚂蚁啃骨头 mǎ yǐ kěn gǔ tou Dogged perseverance to achieve a long term end
宁做鸡头,不当凤尾 nìng zuò jītóu, bù dāng fèng wěi Better to be leader of a humble organization than the stooge of a grand one
强龙难压地头蛇 qiáng lóng nán yā dì tóu shé Knowledge of local area and people gives them a distinct advantage even against a strong enemy
龙抬头 Lóng tái tóu Blue Dragon Festival葱头 cōng tóu onion