西 west

Similar looking characters : (four) yǒu (wine vessel)
Made with 6 strokes.
A representation of a bird on a nest, and hence the direction of the evening sun when birds roost on their nests
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Sounds same

(sunset) (to bestow)

Different tone

(to practice) (box; bag) (to be fond of) (to wash) (system)


Index 146 used in: piào (ticket) ; yào (want)

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Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 西
Stroke order for character 西, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


西藏 Tibet
广西 Guangxi
江西 Jiangxi
陕西 Shaanxi
山西 Shanxi


鸡西 Jixi, Heilongjiang
西宁 Xining, Qinghai
西安 Xi'an, Shaanxi


东奔西走 dōng bēn xī zǒu Be busy; bustling about
情人眼里出西施 qíng ren yǎn lǐ chū xī shī Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
东食西宿 dōng shí xī sù Taking fully advantage of kindly offers - accepting hospitality in a selfish way. The story is of a girl who was asked to choose whether to live with a family in the east or west side of a village. She chose to eat with the rich family of one suitor on the east side but also sleep with the poor but good looking suitor on the west side.