jiào comparatively; to contrast; to compare

Made up of [ chē vehicle radical 159, jiāo to hand over; to deliver; to turn over ]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 10 strokes.
The vehicle radical can be thought of as suggesting a race to compare chariots but 'jiao' is the phonetic

Related characters

Also uses chē component: lián (to link) liàng (collective word for vehicles) ruǎn (soft) zài (to carry)
Also uses jiāo component: jiǎo (dumpling) jiāo (suburbs) jiāo (to glue) xiào (school) xiào (effect) yǎo (to bite)

Sounds same

jiào (called) jiào (religion)

Different tone

jiāo (to teach) jiāo (to hand over) jiāo (suburbs) jiāo (to glue) jiǎo (horn) jiǎo (dumpling)

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