岁 suì year; age
Made up of [山 shān mountain radical 46, 夕 xī sunset; evening radical 36]Alternative traditional form of character: 嵗
Made with 7 strokes.
Simplified from a combination of the character for 'walking' and a phonetic, the simplified form uses 'mountain' and 'sunset' suggesting passage of time. Alternatively it could represent a picture of a special annual sacrifice. It is also a name for the planet Jupiter as it has a twelve year cycle.
Ancient small seal form
Related characters
Also uses 山 shān component: 岸 àn (bank) 岛 dǎo (island) 徽 huī (emblem) 仙 xiān (immortal)
Also uses 夕 xī component: 多 duō (many) 多 duō (many) 将 jiāng (will) 罗 luó (gauze) 名 míng (name) 外 wài (outside) 夜 yè (night)
Different tone
虽 suī (although) 攵 suī (rap) 隋 suí (Sui) 随 suíPronunciation
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