山 shān mountain
A measure word to use for this noun: 座 zuò
Made with 3 strokes.
Picture of three peaks to represent a hill or mountain
Ancient small seal form 

Sounds same
彡 shān (bristle)Different tone
陕 shǎn (Shanzhou) ; 善 shàn (benevolent)Radical
Index 46 used in: 岸 àn (bank) ; 岛 dǎo (island) ; 徽 huī (emblem) ; 岁 suì (year) ; 仙 xiān (immortal)Pronunciation
Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net ➚ under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

Stroke order for character 山, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚
山东 Shandong山西 Shanxi
马鞍山 Ma'anshan, Anhui中山 Zhongshan, Guangdong
佛山 Foshan, Guangdong
唐山 Tangshan, Hebei
双鸭山 Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang
平顶山 Pingdingshan, Henan
台山 Taishan, Guangdong
鞍山 Anshan, Liaoning
石嘴山 Shizuishan, Ningxia
乐山 Leshan, Sichuan
武夷山 Wuyishan, Fujian
黄山 Huangshan, Anhui
昆山 Kunshan, Jiangsu
白山 Baishan, Jilin
孙中山 Sun YatsenProverbs
刀山火海 dāo shān huǒ hǎi An extremely difficult and dangerous situation调虎离山 diào hǔ lí shān Lure an enemy out of its home territory in order to attack it
开门见山 kāi mén jiàn shān To come straight to the point. Avoid procrastination
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 liú dé qīng shān zài, bù pà méi chái shāo Do not despair, there is plenty of time and opportunity
千山万水 qiān shān wàn shuǐ A long and arduous journey
人山人海 rén shān rén hǎi Huge crowds of people