益 Yì Increase (Gain) [hexagram 42]

Wind/Wood over Thunder

Lunar month: 1 ; Host or Controlling line : 1
益: 利有攸往, 利涉大川. Yì: lì yǒu yōu wǎng, lì shè dà chuān.
Yi indicates that (in the state which it denotes) there will be advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken, that it will be advantageous (even) to cross the great stream.
彖传: 益, 损上益下, 民说无疆, 自上下下, 其道大光. 利有攸往, 中正有庆. 利涉大川, 木道乃行. 益动而巽, 日进无疆. 天施地生, 其益无方. 凡益之道, 与时偕行. Tuàn zhuàn: Yì, sǔn shàngyì xià, mín shuō wú jiāng, zì shàng xià xià, qí dào dà guāng. Lì yǒu yōu wǎng, zhōng zhèng yǒu qìng. Lì shè dà chuān, mù dào nǎi xíng. Yì dòng ér xùn, rì jìn wú jiāng. Tiān shī dì shēng, qíyì wú fāng. Fányì zhī dào, yǔ shí xié xíng.In Yi we see the upper (trigram) diminished, and the lower added to. The satisfaction of the people (in consequence of this) is without limit. What descends from above reaches to all below, so great and brilliant is the course (of its operation). That 'there will be advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken' appears from the central and correct (positions of the second and fifth lines), and the (general) blessing (the dispensing of which they imply). That 'it will be advantageous (even) to cross the great stream' appears from the action of wood (shown in the figure). Yi is made up of (the trigrams expressive of) movement and docility, (through which) there is daily advancement to an unlimited extent. We have (also) in it heaven dispensing and earth producing, leading to an increase without restriction of place. Everything in the method of this increase proceeds according to the requirements of the time.
象传: 风雷, 益; 君子以见善则迁, 有过则改. Xiàng zhuàn: Fēng léi, yì; jūn zǐ yǐ jiàn shàn zé qiān, yǒu guò zé gǎi.(The trigram representing) wind and that for thunder form Yi. The superior man, in accordance with this, when he sees what is good, moves towards it; and when he sees his errors, he turns from them.
初九: 利用为大作, 元吉, 无咎. Chū jiǔ: lì yòng wéi dà zuò, yuán jí, wú jiù.The first ‘nine’, undivided, shows that it will be advantageous for its subject in his position to make a great movement. If it be greatly fortunate, no blame will be imputed to him.
象传: 元吉无咎, 下不厚事也. Xiàng zhuàn: Yuán jí wú jiù, xià bù hòu shì yě.‘If the movement be greatly fortunate, no blame will be imputed to him:’ - though it is not for one in so low a position to have to do with great affairs.
六二: 或益之, 十朋之龟弗克违, 永贞吉. 王用享于帝, 吉. Liù èr: huò yì zhī, shí péng zhī guī fú kè wéi, yǒng zhēn jí. wáng yòng xiǎng yú dì, jí.The second ‘six’, divided, shows parties adding to the stores of its subject ten pairs of tortoise shells whose oracles cannot be opposed. Let him persevere in being firm and correct, and there will be good fortune. Let the king, (having the virtues thus distinguished), employ them in presenting his offerings to God, and there will be good fortune.
象传: 或益之, 自外来也. Xiàng zhuàn: Huò yì zhī, zì wài lái yě.‘Parties add to his stores:’ - they come from beyond (his immediate circle) to do so.
六三: 益之用凶事, 无咎. 有孚中行, 告公用圭. Liù sān: yì zhī yòng xiōng shì, wú jiù. yǒu fú zhōng háng, gào gōng yòng guī.The third ‘six’, divided, shows increase given to its subject by means of what is evil, so that he shall (be led to good), and be without blame. Let him be sincere and pursue the path of the Mean, (so shall he secure the recognition of the ruler, like) an officer who announces himself to his prince by the symbol of his rank.
象传: 益用凶事, 固有之也. Xiàng zhuàn: Yì yòng xiōng shì, gù yǒu zhī yě.‘Increase is given by means of what is evil and difficult:’ - as he has in himself (the qualities called forth).
六四: 中行, 告公从. 利用为依迁国. Liù sì: zhōng háng, gào gōng cóng. lì yòng wéi yī qiān guó.The fourth ‘six’, divided, shows its subject pursuing the due course. His advice to his prince is followed. He can with advantage be relied on in such a movement as that of removing the capital.
象传: 告公从, 以益志也. Xiàng zhuàn: Gào gōng cóng, yǐ yì zhì yě.‘His advice to his prince is followed:’ - his (only) object in it being the increase (of the general good).
九五: 有孚惠心, 勿问元吉. 有孚惠我德. Jiǔ wǔ: yǒu fú huì xīn, wù wèn yuán jí. yǒu fú huì wǒ dé.The fifth ‘nine’, undivided, shows its subject with sincere heart seeking to benefit (all below). There need be no question about it; the result will be great good fortune. (All below) will with sincere heart acknowledge his goodness.
象传: 有孚惠心, 勿问之矣. 惠我德, 大得志也. Xiàng zhuàn: Yǒu fú huì xīn, wù wèn zhī yǐ. huì wǒ dé, dà dé zhì yě.‘(The ruler) with sincere heart seeks to benefit (all below):’ - there need be no question (about the result). ‘(All below) with sincere heart acknowledge (his goodness):’ - he gets what he desires on a great scale.
上九: 莫益之, 或击之, 立心勿恒, 凶. Shàng jiǔ: mò yì zhī, huò jī zhī, lì xīn wù héng, xiōng.In the sixth ‘nine’, undivided, we see one to whose increase none will contribute, while many will seek to assail him. He observes no regular rule in the ordering of his heart. There will be evil.
象传: 莫益之, 偏辞也. 或击之, 自外来也. Xiàng zhuàn: Mò yì zhī, piān cí yě. Huò jī zhī, zì wài lái yě.‘To his increase none will contribute:’ - this expresses but half the result. ‘Many will seek to assail him:’ - they will come from beyond (his immediate circle) to do so.