广 guǎng vast; wide

Alternative traditional form of character:


Picture of a house under a cliff
Number of strokes 3


Index 53 used in: qìng (celebrate) ; diàn (inn) ; táng (Tang)

< Previous radical 52 yāo Next radical 54 yǐn >

Different tone

guāng (light)
Alternative pronunciation : yǎn

< Previous guāng Next guī >


Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 广
Stroke order for character 广, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


广东 Guangdong
广西 Guangxi


广州 Guangzhou, Guangdong
广安 Guang'an, Sichuan


天安门广场 Tiānānmén Guǎngchǎng Tiananmen Square
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Citation information: Chinasage, 'Chinese character guǎng 广 vast', , Web, http://www.chinasage.info/chars/frad_cliff.htm.

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